The judge of the National Court Santiago Pedraz has agreed to keep the two Spanish women married to jihadists who were repatriated to Spain from refugee camps in Syria in pre-trial detention without bail, under cover of the risk of flight.
As ‘La Razón’ has advanced and legal sources have confirmed to Europa Press, the head of the Central Investigating Court Number 5 has ruled out the appeals for reform filed by the defenses of Yolanda Martínez and Luna Fernández, who urged the magistrate to put them into action. Liberty.
It was on January 11 when Judge Pedraz agreed to the provisional detention measure, justifying that in the case of both there was a specific risk of flight due to the serious crime attributed to them, as well as an “obvious” risk of criminal repetition. For the magistrate, these circumstances are currently maintained.
In the order issued at that time, collected by Europa Press, the magistrate indicates that after the loss of control by DAESH in Syria and Iraq, the risk of dispersal or return of those known as ‘foreign terrorist fighters’ ( foreign terrorist fighters). In the list of those fighters, he points out, both women were included.
The magistrate explains the trajectory of both women and their husbands, who were initially investigated in Summary 5/2014 for their integration into the self-styled Al Andalus Brigade, established in Madrid and which carried out work of radicalization, recruitment and subsequent facilitation of the transfer to Syria and Iraq for the commission of terrorist attacks.
Regarding both women and a third one, the resolution continues, there was no reliable information until their appearance in a video in El País, in April 2019. In the video, one of them, Yolanda Martínez, assured: “I arrived without knowing it, but I was very happy. They gave us a house and my husband a job in the ISIS court doing errands. We finally had a stable financial situation.”
For the judge, despite Yolanda Martínez’s attempts to distance herself from her membership in DAESH, her words give her away, since only members of that organization were given a house and given a job in the administration that the pseudo-caliphate led by Abu Bakr al Bagdhadi was developing. In addition, the fact that she has remained in that area “shows her and her husband’s unwavering commitment to the cause of DAESH.”
It also indicates that “she shared her husband’s ideology, agreeing not to remain static in the face of the Syrian conflict and to take action.”
Regarding the other woman, Luna Fernández, the magistrate points out that she is also a convert to Islam and while she lived in Spain she played a key role within the group of women members of the Al Andalus brigade.
In the same video mentioned, this woman also appeared and her words, according to the judge, reflect “the radical and extremist internalization of Islam, where the sharia or Islamic law prevails over the legislation of the countries”, despite her interest in distancing herself of DAESH throughout the interview.