The National Court judges from this Wednesday the imam of a mosque in Getafe (Madrid), the Moroccan Bilal J., whom the Prosecutor’s Office accuses of the crimes of terrorist self-indoctrination and exaltation of jihadist terrorism, and for which he requests eight years in prison .

As stated in the indictment of the Prosecutor’s Office, to which Europa Press has had access, with his extensive activity on social networks he intended to train himself with jihadist training, and disseminate it to third parties so that they could access this instruction. He asserts that his intention was to train himself and then “indoctrinate third parties through his position as an imam.”

Bilal J., according to the Public Ministry, entered Spain for the first time in July 2017, and on a second occasion in March 2018, and resided since December 3 of that year in the Madrid town of Getafe, where he found employment. in the Al-Istikama Mosque, where he was in charge of the Friday sermon.

From the surveillance carried out on the person investigated and from the analysis of content published openly on his social networks, the investigators realized that he shared radical Islamic images, videos and infographics on Facebook and Telegram.

The letter refers, for example, that in 2014 he shared on his wall a video of the leader of the Islamic State Abu Usama Al Maghrebi and a YouTube hyperlink with the song ‘Aswad Al-Iktihamat’ (The lions of invasions). After this, it was requested to intervene in his communications.

Already in 2020, agents of the General Information Commission (CGI) accessed and searched the address of Bilal J. and seized four mobile phones, two SD cards and a USB. After his analysis, it was established that the person under investigation “adopted security measures in his communications and use of social networks” and that he used different terminals for his private life and for the activity of disseminating jihadist content.

In addition to the four cell phones, the researchers discovered that he used to use Wi-Fi networks to connect to the Internet avoiding SIM cards, and that he had up to ten email addresses, two Telegram users, and nine Facebook profiles.

The prosecutor also states that in one of the mobiles he had stored three videos made by the technical section of DAESH instructing on security measures in the virtual environment such as acquiring virtual lines to operate anonymously on the Internet, buying a Russian email account or getting hold of a non-traceable virtual phone number through the PRIMO app.

In Bilal’s terminal, specialized software was also located to make Internet browsing anonymous: Bitmask, Orbot, Proxy with Tor and Psiphon3.

The letter indicates that the defendant actively participated in up to 41 jihadist-themed groups on the Telegram and WhatsApp applications, and that some of these groups were managed by DAESH communication agencies, such as the AMAQ Agency and Nasher News. In addition, they found in another of the seized terminals up to 50 videos stored with images of deaths, executions and murders by violent methods (crushing, use of bulldozers, violent accidents, suicides).

The investigations led to the verification that he also exchanged over networks up to 422 ‘nasheeds’ or religious songs with radical content, 100 jihadist-themed videos, 561 jihadist-themed images and eight magazines published by DAESH production companies. “Within this material, instructions have been located to commit attacks,” adds the prosecutor.

To this is added that he had sought information on ways to commit attacks. “The infographic with the title ‘advice to jihadists in Enemy lands’ contains instructions for committing terrorist attacks in Western countries. Through these images, the terrorist organization DAESH offers clear guidelines that allow them to carry out a terrorist attack alone successfully,” he adds about it.

In the letter, the prosecutor reviews the reactions and comments made by the imam justifying different jihadist attacks in Europe, and explains that he was a supporter of the Takfiri current of Islam, followed by the terrorist organization DAESH and characterized by considering Kafir, “infidels”, to the Muslims of other currents different from Sunni Islam.

It also indicates that the Moroccan “would have maintained contact with targets investigated by other security services specialized in the fight against jihadist terrorism”, and that he dedicated himself to sending computer security recommendations and jihadist material to third parties, participating in a active in the dissemination of images, videos and audios produced by the terrorist organization DAESH in order to proselytize.

The Prosecutor’s Office concludes that all these activities were carried out by the defendant “simultaneously with the development of his functions as imam of the Getafe mosque and as a teacher in the ‘madrasa’ (school) of the same – he taught memorization classes of the Quran to children–“. In fact, he used the facilities of the mosque to contact the jihadist environment through social networks.