Sémper criticizes the “cockfight” within the Government for this “botched” rule that is “revictimizing” women
The spokesman for the PP campaign committee, Borja Sémper, has announced that the Popular Group will vote this Tuesday at the Congress Table in favor of urgent processing of the PSOE bill to correct the so-called ‘only yes is yes’ law ‘. In addition, he has criticized the “cockfight” between the PSOE and Podemos for this “botched” rule.
The Socialist Group presented its initiative just a week ago but it will not be until this Tuesday when it will go to the Table of the Lower House to be qualified. In this first parliamentary procedure, the Socialists will have the support of the ‘popular’, so that the approval of this urgent procedure is guaranteed without problems.
In a press conference at the PP headquarters, after the meeting of the steering committee chaired by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Sémper has confirmed his party’s support for the urgent processing and has criticized that it was not done in December when the PP presented his own initiative to reform the law.
“If it had not been blocked, it could already be done and modified, or about to be,” said Sémper, who stressed that “sex offenders who commit a crime today would no longer be tried with watered-down sentences.”
The spokesman for the PP campaign committee has explained that the PP is going to vote yes to the urgent procedure not to defend the interests of the PP, “but for a minimal sense of decorum, responsibility and urgency”, given the reductions in sentences for aggressors sexual assaults and releases that are taking place.
After the exchange of reproaches in the last week between the socialist and Podemos ministers for this rule, Sémper has criticized the “cockfight” into which, in his opinion, the Government of Pedro Sánchez has become when “it cries out to the sky” that this rule is not modified as soon as possible.
“Above the interests of Sánchez and his Government are the interests of common sense and the modification of a botched law that is harming and revictimizing women,” he declared.
On this point, he has reproached the Government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos for the speed with which the Government legislates with laws that interest the President of the Government, as in the case of embezzlement and sedition “that interested their pro-independence partners”, compared to to the slowness in other modifications such as the law of ‘only if it is yes’ “when there is an urgent need for the coalition not to explode.”
When asked if there has been any contact with the Government due to this rule, after Minister Félix Bolaños expressed his willingness to speak, Sémper said that he is not aware of any calls and added that the Executive is “being absolutely irresponsible”. in this issue.