He announces that he will also analyze possible responsibilities at a legal level after this “loss to the public coffers”


The PP has demanded this Thursday the immediate resignation of the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, after the investigation in the so-called ‘Koldo case’ relating to the plot of bribes in the purchase of masks during the pandemic indicates, according to the ‘popular ‘, that the autonomous Government of the Balearic Islands that she presided over “was aware of and an active collaborator in an alleged scam,” party sources have pointed out.

According to the PP, Armengol “accepted and paid for defective medical equipment, even knowing that it did not protect against Covid and that it put the lives of those who used it at risk.” What’s more, he has said that he paid for it with European funds “despite it being prohibited” and “stored it even though it was useless.”

“And the day he was leaving the Presidency of the Balearic Islands he asked for the money back to try to protect himself politically,” ‘popular’ sources have denounced, after it became known in recent days that the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office sent contracts for the ‘case’ to the European Prosecutor’s Office. Koldo’ with the Balearic and Canary Islands paid with European funds.

The PP considers that “‘the lady’, as mentioned in the investigation by the assets of the plot, did so having been able to break the Contract Law according to the Civil Guard, and at this time her actions are being investigated by the European Prosecutor’s Office,” PP sources have added.

Alberto Nuñez Feijóo’s party considers that the situation of the president of Congress is absolutely unsustainable.” “The third authority of the State cannot be under suspicion and must leave to preserve the decorum of the institution she presides,” add the ‘popular’ .

For all these reasons, the PP demands his immediate resignation because he cannot represent the Balearic people who have knowingly caused “economic harm” to the citizens of their CCAA. “She must resign as a deputy due to a loss to the public coffers and a scam, according to the words of her partner José Luis Ábalos,” the same sources add.

The PP has thus referred to the words of Ábalos, who this Thursday in an interview established differences between the mask contracts signed by his department and those of the autonomous government of the Balearic Islands during the Armengol stage. In his opinion, what happened in this community was a “scam” on the part of the company and led to a “breakdown of the public coffers.”

In addition to political responsibilities, the PP already warns that it will also analyze the responsibilities that may exist at a legal level, while committing to “pursue the corruption of the PSOE with all possible intensity,” sources from the party leadership have indicated.

This Thursday, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, already demanded the resignation of the president of Congress, alleging that under her management as president of the Balearic Government “four million euros were thrown into the trash in purchases of medical supplies” and “there was an attempt to defraud the EU.”