The National Police keeps the investigation open to locate the alleged perpetrators of the stabbing of a minor under 15 years of age at the IES Sol de Portocarrero in the neighborhood of La Cañada, in Almería, while trying to “mediate” between “two groups” that maintained a showdown.

The agents posted to the educational center have verified that “relatives and friends” from one of the two groups of students would have accessed the center this Thursday “jumping the perimeter fence” and would have injured the victim with a “blade weapon” in the “side left”.

As reported by 112 and the Provincial Police Station, at 10:30 a.m. several notices were given to the 091 room, including from the institute itself, which reported the “stabbing” of one of its students.

A spokesman for the National Police has specified that the testimonies collected from witnesses suggest that the attack could be related to a “fight” that took place on Wednesday, the day before, and that it would have occurred once classes had finished.

He added that the data also indicates that two groups of students would have faced each other after 2:30 p.m. outside the institute grounds “over an issue related to the theft of a mobile phone.”

The police spokesman explained that, as a result of this “fight”, one of the two sides has asked for “reinforcements” from “friends and relatives”, who this Thursday have jumped the fence, “pricking a student who was trying to mediate between the two “Although he has qualified that he tries to clarify if those involved are former students of the institute.

After the notice, the emergency coordination center has activated the Local Police, the National Police and the 061 troops, who have had to urgently evacuate the 15-year-old victim to a health center.

Health sources have stated that the minor, who has been admitted to the Torrecárdenas University Hospital, is waiting to undergo surgery for the injuries and accompanied by his family. He presents a two-centimeter incise-contusion wound on the left side and his life “is not in danger, in principle.”

When the agents of the National Police arrived, they collaborated with the health services in the care of the injured minor, but none of those involved were found at the scene, although they have reported that they are working on the identification of the perpetrators of the assault for his arrest.

The territorial delegate for Educational Development and Vocational Training of the Junta de Andalucía in Almería, Francisco Alonso, has condemned the stabbing, which he has described as an “isolated event” that “has nothing to do with the day-to-day life of that institute.” In addition, he has sent a message of “tranquility”.

The Association of Mothers and Fathers of Students (AMPA) ‘Almariya’ of the IES ‘Sol de Portocarrero’ has transferred, for its part, that there must be “a before and after” and has indicated that it is “time” for the Junta de Andalucía “takes seriously” “security” in the school.

“It is not the first time; two years ago it happened again among boarding students and we have spent years demanding not only more security, but a new IES in La Cañada to avoid overcrowding,” an AMPA spokeswoman told Europa Press, who He has remarked that the IES Sol de Portocarrero has “1,700 students” in a wide age spectrum that goes “from 12 or 13 years to 20 years.”