Thousands of Burkinabe took to the streets of the country’s capital, Ouagadougou, this weekend to applaud the decision taken by the military junta led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré to withdraw the French military contingent from the country under the agreements signed with Paris in 2018.
The announcement made on Monday by the so-called “transitional government” was received with applause by sectors of the population who had been calling for the withdrawal of French troops for months, considered a colonialist expression.
“Thanks to His Excellency Comrade Captain Traoré and the brave people of Burkina Faso, we have driven the French contingent out of the country. We are not slaves to anyone,” one of the protesters, Gislain Dabiré, told the Burkina24 news portal during the large demonstration. last Saturday.
In it, the protesters also applauded the replacement of the French ambassador in Burkina, Luc Hallade, and the suspension of the broadcasts of Radio France Internationale (RFI), the French international public broadcaster, all of them indicative of a deep deterioration in bilateral relations due to , according to the French government, to the increasing influence of Russia in the country through, in particular, the presence there of the Wagner group of mercenaries.
The general secretary of the Collective of Pan-African Leaders and organizer of the demonstration, Alpha Segbo, has assured that the latest events should not be interpreted as a gesture of enmity towards the French population, but rather an expression of the “problem posed by the policy of the French Government “.
Another demonstration held on Saturday in the city of Ouahigouya, in the north of the country, especially applauded relations with Russia as an ally in the fight against jihadist terrorism. “The association with Russia has only one objective: to provide us with the equipment we need, because our men have the necessary quality to end this war,” said one of the organizers of the march, Ali Badra.