MADRID, 1 May. (Portaltic/EP) –
Twitter will introduce payment for individual articles on the social network, with which it seeks that the media that want to take advantage of this novelty obtain income from their publications.
Media publishers will have one more option on the social network in May to individually monetize their articles, as reported by the CEO and owner of Twitter, Elon Musk.
With this novelty, users interested in an article will be able to pay to access it “with a single click”, as the tycoon has highlighted. “This allows users who would not sign up for a monthly subscription to pay a higher price per article when they want to read an occasional article,” he explains on his profile on the social network.
Musk sees this as a win-win feature for both publishers and the public. His defenders point out in the same news thread that it allows payment on demand for those items that you want to see, and may even be cheaper than paying a monthly payment.
The detractors of these ‘micropayments’, on the other hand, warn of the possible proliferation of headlines known as ‘click bait’ -those designed to attract attention and tempt visitors to click on a link-, that seeing a wall payment could deter some users or that it could benefit the big media more than the smaller ones.
On the other hand, Musk has not detailed how this payment system per article would materialize, nor has he anticipated whether he will charge a fee for the mediation of Twitter in said transaction.
A similar idea is also present in Post, one of the social networks that postulate as an alternative to Twitter. Its founder and CEO of Post, Noam Bardin, launched this platform in November 2022, highlighting his intention to offer access to journalistic content from “premium” publishers by paying only for the articles that are read, thus avoiding subscriptions and ads.