
Republican voters are showing increased support for former President Donald Trump due to his pro-crypto stance, according to a recent survey sponsored by Paradigm, a crypto-focused venture capital firm. The survey, which polled 1,025 likely Republican voters, revealed that many respondents trust the current financial system and are in favor of Trump’s views on cryptocurrencies.

About 13% of Republicans who were initially not planning to vote for Trump are now considering supporting him because of his stance on crypto. Additionally, a significant number of respondents expressed more enthusiasm for voting for the former president.

Trump has been vocal about his support for the crypto industry, promising to make the US a leader in Bitcoin mining and highlighting the importance of cryptocurrencies as a defense against central bank digital currencies. This stance has resonated with Republican voters, with many recognizing the role of crypto in the US economy.

The survey also showed a growing interest in crypto among Republicans, with the percentage of individuals owning or buying crypto increasing from 19% to 28% since March 2024. The majority of these crypto owners plan to increase their holdings in the coming year, citing concerns about losing access to financial services due to their political or religious beliefs.

Respondents also expressed support for regulatory clarity in the crypto industry, with 60% stating that Congress should pass legislation to provide guidance on crypto regulations. Additionally, 40% believed that elected officials should oversee crypto regulation rather than unelected government agencies like the SEC.

Many respondents suggested that the US government should create a pathway for American companies to develop products like stablecoins to compete with China’s digital yuan. This competitive stance on the global stage aligns with Trump’s vision of making the US a powerhouse in the crypto industry.

Overall, the survey indicates a growing alignment between Republican voters and Trump’s pro-crypto stance. As more individuals in the party embrace cryptocurrencies and recognize their importance in the economy, support for Trump’s policies in this area is likely to increase.