
The Digital Chamber has reached out to Vice President Kamala Harris, encouraging her to embrace pro-crypto policies as she prepares for the Democratic Presidential nomination. The organization emphasized the potential for digital assets and blockchain technology to drive innovation, economic growth, and financial inclusion in a letter sent to Harris on July 22.

The Chamber expressed concerns about the current public perception that the Democratic Party is anti-crypto due to the cautious approach of the Biden/Harris Administration towards digital assets. Despite support for the industry among key Democratic leaders, such as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, the Chamber argued that this perception does not align with the party’s progressive and inclusive values.

Highlighting the fact that over 50 million Americans have embraced digital assets as a way to democratize finance and create new economic opportunities, the Chamber stressed the importance of Harris taking steps to amend this public perception. It pointed out the higher adoption rates of digital assets among Black and Latino Americans and immigrant communities compared to traditional financial products, emphasizing the transformative potential of these technologies for key Democratic constituencies.

The Chamber described digital assets and blockchain technology as revolutionary tools that can enhance transparency, reduce fraud, and create a more inclusive financial system. It called on the Democratic Party to champion these innovations to reaffirm US leadership in the global digital economy.

In addition to advocating for pro-digital asset language in the Democratic Party’s platform, the Chamber recommended that Harris select a vice-presidential candidate with expertise in digital asset policy, citing Colorado Governor Jared Polis as an example. The Chamber also urged Harris to engage in dialogue with leaders in the digital asset and blockchain industry to craft policies that support and nurture these technologies while ensuring consumer protection and financial stability.

By embracing pro-crypto policies, Harris has the opportunity to position herself as a forward-thinking leader who recognizes the potential of digital assets and blockchain technology to drive positive change in the economy and society. As she navigates the path towards the Democratic Presidential nomination, Harris has the chance to shape the party’s stance on these innovative technologies and demonstrate a commitment to fostering innovation, economic growth, and financial inclusion for all Americans.