He believes that the “attacks” on Feijóo, who will campaign tomorrow in the Canary Islands, confirms that he is the “rival to beat” for Sánchez, Díaz and Abascal


The PP considers that the three-way debate between the chief executive, Pedro Sánchez, Sumar’s candidate, Yolanda Díaz, and the president of Vox, Santigo Abascal, organized by RTVE will be “an all against” Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who will pass the day campaigning in the Canary Islands. In addition, he believes that it will be “the debate of the three candidates who already know they will not win the elections” on July 23, according to ‘popular’ sources.

Feijóo has declined to participate in RTVE’s proposal for a four-person debate, which will last 90 minutes and will be divided into three thematic blocks. The ‘popular’ defended, apart from the ‘face to face’ on April 10 between the President of the Government and the head of the opposition, a debate of seven in which the members of the PSOE this legislature were represented: ERC, Bildu and PNV.

According to PP sources, the “escalation of insults and attacks” towards the PP president by PSOE, Sumar and Vox “confirms that Feijóo is the rival to be beaten by all parties, and that they all share a strategy”.

“The block of ‘no’ to López Miras in Murcia, which blocked the investiture of a party with a 43% vote, is now working to wear down the image of the Popular Party candidate as a single strategy to turn the polls around” , have added the same sources.

For this reason, in ‘Génova’ they consider that tomorrow’s debate will be “everyone against Feijóo” and the debate of “the three candidates who already know that they will not win the general elections” on Sunday, the same sources have stressed.

According to the PP, Sánchez goes with his vice president “to see if, in a two against one, he is more competitive than in the debate last Monday.” “Perhaps against Abascal and with the help of Yolanda Díaz he does have a chance of surviving a match of this type. Last week he did not succeed”, added the ‘popular’.

The PP has stressed that this Wednesday the Sumar candidate “has the opportunity to finally comment on an issue” but “she will have to do it without the forcefulness that Podemos had with Pablo Iglesias and without being credible when she tries to distance herself from Pedro Sánchez, because he has already recognized that it would be his number 2”. “And the whole country knows that the only person who could be someone’s number 2 without believing in her number 1 is Ione Belarra,” the ‘popular’ have pointed out.

In addition, PP sources have indicated that Abascal, for his part, will be “compared to Feijóo, who widely defeated Pedro Sánchez last Monday.” “If he wants to destabilize the President of the Government, it will be enough for him to show him a photo of the debate last week,” they added.

The Popular Party has confirmed that this Wednesday the president of its party and candidate for the Presidency of the Government will continue to campaign and “share moments with non-television Spain”, “the one that expects more closeness from its politicians and fewer sets”, according to sources of your team.

The leader of the PP considers that it does not penalize him for not attending the three-way debate organized by RTVE. In fact, he refuses to lend himself to the game of the PSOE seeking to stage two models of Government: Sánchez and his vice president on the one hand; and Feijóo and Abascal for another, to convey the idea that he can be vice president in a PP government, as he himself confessed in an informal chat with journalists last Saturday.

From Feijóo’s team they have made it clear these days that they are not going to lend themselves to “incomplete debates of rigged games” and they see no reason to “exclude” formations with which the President of the Government has carried out many of his laws this legislature . “It really doesn’t seem honest to me to hold a four-person debate excluding the others,” say sources close to the “popular” leader.

This Monday, in an interview on TVE, Feijóo assured that the PSOE does not want a seven-person debate as the PP proposed to “hide” its pacts with Bildu and ERC. Thus, he recalled that the PP n raised “a debate to seven” so that “the partners” of Pedro Sánchez were also present but he “refused”, since, as he has said, “it seems that he is only interested in taking” that debate to Yolanda Díaz and Santiago Abascal.

“And as you will understand, I am old enough to realize that the objective is not to clarify the policy of pacts, but that the objective is to hide the fact that for Mr. Sánchez to be president of the Government, he needs Bildu, he needs ERC and he needs Puigdemont’s party”, declared Feijóo.

In this sense, the president of the ‘populares’ insisted that if Sánchez “had wanted a seven-person debate”, he “would be on television” this week debating.