The professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry of the University of Valencia, Daniel Tordera, has won the first prize of the XVIII Scientific-Technical Award of Algemesí for his work entitled ‘Optic biometric scanner of large surface based on organic materials’.

The award, endowed with 5,000 euros, is intended to encourage the investigative spirit of young scientists. The award ceremony will be held next Friday, March 24, at 6:30 p.m. in the plenary hall of the Algemesí Town Hall.

The award-winning work develops a large optical scanner that can be easily integrated into commercial products, using organic materials. The optical scanner shows excellent performance and adequate resolution for practical applications in the field of biometric detection of both fingerprint and vein patterns. All processing is compatible with current industrial manufacturing methods.

In this way, the scanners can be manufactured very cost-effectively in very large sizes, and their ultra-thin thickness allows seamless integration into autonomous devices, mobile phones, access security, and biomedical devices.

Since the end of 2020, Daniel Tordera is a PhD assistant professor in the Department of Physical Chemistry and a researcher at the Institute of Molecular Science at the University of Valencia where he combines teaching tasks in the Faculties of Chemistry and Pharmacy with his work on photodetectors and emitting devices. of light based on perovskites and organic materials.