Gamarra says that the government that is said to be “the most feminist is the one that has done the most damage to women” with the ‘yes is yes’ law or the Mediator case


The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has demanded this Monday to the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, to agree on the parity law both with the parliamentary groups and with the social agents, although she considers that this norm is a “distraction maneuver”. of the Government before the 8M so as not to talk about issues that “penalize” and “embarrass” women, such as the so-called ‘only yes is yes’ law, the Trans Law or the case of “Tito Berni”.

This is how Gamarra has pronounced after this Saturday -a few days after the celebration of 8M, International Women’s Day- the President of the Government has announced that the Council of Ministers this Tuesday will approve a law of parity between men and women in government and big business.

Before inaugurating the conference ‘Social Tourism programs in Spain four decades later’ organized by the Popular Group in Congress, Gamarra pointed out that his party is unaware of the terms of the draft that the Government will take to the Council of Ministers this Tuesday but that “It would be good” for “a consensus to be reached within the parliamentary framework with all the political parties.”

In the same way, Gamarra has indicated that, as it is a matter that affects the business sphere, “social dialogue” should also be taken into account, although he has recognized that some of the issues that the standard may include are “imposed from the European level” through the transposition of a directive.

Of course, the ‘number two’ of the PP has indicated that, at the present time, “many of these measures” Pedro Sánchez is proposing as “a distraction maneuver so that there is no talk of those policies that are penalizing, harming and embarrassing Spanish women” and that “come directly from the Government.

Thus, he has affirmed that it is the Executive that “said to be the most feminist but the one that has done the most damage to Spanish women” through the law of ‘only yes is yes’, the Trans Law or the “embarrassing case of Tito Berni who corners the PSOE”.

As for whether the Popular Group will support this Tuesday in the plenary session of Congress to take into consideration the reform of the ‘only yes is yes’ law that the PSOE has raised, Gamarra has indicated that there has been “no conversation” with his group, but he has stressed that this text is a “cut and paste” of the initiative presented in December by the Popular Group that, if it had been processed then, the reform would already be in the BOE.

In this sense, he has stressed that the PP is clear about its “responsibility”, which is support for women and minors “victims of sexual offenders”, with the intention of doing “whatever is in its power for a” rectification as fast as possible”.

“Only the division and arrogance when it comes to acknowledging errors means that this has not yet been rectified, but we continue to demand that political responsibilities be assumed,” Gamarra proclaimed, to underline that the Government “as always is late” in this “rectification” of the law of ‘only yes is yes’.

When asked which demonstration she will attend on March 8, the PP general secretary has confessed that her schedule is “quite complicated” and that she “still” does not know if she will be able to go to any demonstration. “But if I can, I will be”, she has apostilled her.