It does not reveal whether it will vote for Conde-Pumpido or Balaguer as the new president of the TC, but it highlights the importance of “empathy”


The new magistrate of the Constitutional Court (TC) María Luisa Segoviano has indicated this Monday that the right to self-determination “is a complex issue” that when the time comes it should be “studied”, when asked in an interview on Onda Cero if she believes that the Constitution allows the different territories of our country to exercise it.

“This is a very complex issue, extremely complex. It is an issue with many edges that must be studied,” said the president of the Social Chamber of the Supreme Court (TS) until recently when questioned on this matter by the journalist Carlos Alsina.

Segoviano has defended that “we must not be afraid of any approach, of any position, of any suggestion” that can be made to the TC. “Nothing must be rejected out of hand, but it does not mean that it is admitted, that must be made very clear,” he clarified.

Asked if it is possible that the new TC distances itself from the doctrine previously established by the court itself, the magistrate has clarified that “it is a precedent that can never be dispensed with”, although at the same time she has indicated that “similar issues” they may have “a certain different element” that “may require more reasoning than was done last time.”

Thus, he has emphasized that “this is very technical”, so, if necessary, it will be necessary to “look at it very carefully, calmly and dispassionately”.

In any case, he wanted to show that “the Constitution is fantastically made” and “it can still give a lot of itself.” “In fact, we see how throughout all these years different issues have arisen, they have been raised and resolved,” she added.

On the other hand, he has referred to the election of the new president of the Constitutional Court, since with the partial renewal of the Constitutional Constitution -which will be completed on January 9 with the inauguration of the four incoming magistrates- Pedro González will leave- Trevijano, currently in office.

To replace him, the progressive magistrates Cándido Conde-Pumpido and María Luisa Balaguer are running, although Segoviano has refused to advance who he will give his vote, which could be key to deciding who will preside over the court of guarantees.

He explained that he will not be able to take “the pulse” of the TC until next Monday, when he takes office, and can speak with the other magistrates and find out “the plan or forecast that each of the applicants may have.”

However, he has stated that, “apart from the management and organization powers of the person who presides, there is also an element that is strictly personal, and it is the character that one has, the ability to relate well with others, empathy”.

“Smoothing out differences between the members that make up the court, trying to bring positions closer together, being able to calm down and soften things at a certain moment. I think this is very important when it comes to making the court work,” he completed.

In addition, he has assured that he has not received any “suggestion” about who he should vote for as the new president of the TC, although he has heard “opinions” from “different people.”

Likewise, she has alluded to the agreement reached by the so-called progressive and conservative sectors of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) on December 27 to designate her, together with César Tolosa, until now president of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the TS, as their TC candidates.

Segoviano has also refused to comment on whether she was proposed by the conservative bloc as she was perceived as a candidate who would support Balaguer against Conde-Pumpido, pointing out that she believes that “the convenience and need to reach a consensus” weighed more and that “we were ending the year and it was a way to put an end to everything”, after six months of disagreements within the CGPJ about its two candidates for the TC.

In this sense, he stressed that the oath or promise last Saturday before the King took place in a “very cordial” climate, trusting that with the renewal there could be “a much more relaxed situation, different from what has been going on until now”, in the Constitutional. For her part, she has declared herself “very happy” with his new responsibility.