The trial starts this Thursday in three judicial venues; Madrid, A Coruña and Gijón


The trial for the massive brawl that ended on November 30, 2014 with the death of Francisco Javier Romero Taboada, known as ‘Jimmy’, starts this Thursday in three different judicial venues with 84 defendants and with foreseeable agreements with the prosecutor for the reduction of penalties, legal sources have informed Europa Press.

The oral hearing will be held in the Criminal Court 23 of Madrid. There will be a total of eighteen sessions, although they could be reduced if they reach agreements with the prosecutor before an acknowledgment of the facts. The prosecutor asks for sentences between 9 and 31 months in jail.

84 people will sit on the defendant’s bench for allegedly participating in the fight between fans of the Riazor Blues and the Athletic Front after being summoned through social networks. The hearing is held in Madrid but there are defendants who will follow the trial by videoconference from Coruña and Gijón.

The Madrid Prosecutor’s Office requests sentences ranging from 9 months to two and a half years in prison for crimes of riot, illegal possession of weapons and attack on authority with a crime of injury.

According to the prosecutor, the defendants belonged to the Athletic Front and the Riazor Blues. The prosecutor asks for the crime of riotous brawl, with the aggravating circumstance of ideological discrimination, sentences of between one year and nine months in prison. This crime is charged to all defendants.

Likewise, it claims four of them a year and a half for illegal possession of weapons. He also asks two more for a year and ten months in jail for a crime of injury and attack.

The prosecutor reports that the defendants agreed on social networks to go to the surroundings of the Vicente Calderón stadium at 9:00 a.m. with the “sole motivation of demonstrating to the other group the supremacy of their team and the ideology with which they identify.” .

Some of them carried “prohibited weapons and dangerous instruments such as wooden or aluminum sticks, batons, baseball bats, knives, carabiners, and extendable defenses.” As a result of the brawl, several were injured and one of them, Jimmy, died.

On the other hand, the National Professional Soccer League asks the defendants for up to three and a half years in prison and fines of up to 117,000 euros, as stated in the order to open the oral trial.

The investigation broke off from the piece that investigated Jimmy’s death, which was shelved for lack of a known author without anyone having come to trial.