They think that the PP campaign to break voting discipline puts them on target, tries to intimidate them and generates hatred


PSOE deputies have charged this Wednesday against the PP for the campaign it has started on social networks encouraging them to break the discipline of voting in Congress and prevent the reform of the Penal Code, which entails the elimination of the crime of sedition. “Clowns” and “cowards” are some of the responses of the socialists.

The PP deployed a campaign to appeal individually to each socialist deputy, arguing that they have it in their power to prevent the change in the Penal Code that is being debated this Thursday in the Lower House. For the PSOE, the ‘popular’ try to find their “signaling” and put them “in the target of the ultra-right”.

In these terms, the former deputy general secretary of the PSOE and deputy, Adriana Lastra, has expressed herself, asking herself “what the PP intends with the “little campaign” directed at the socialist deputies. ?”, He wrote in a message on Twitter, picked up by Europa Press.

In the same message he has questioned the moderation of the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “This was Feijóo, the moderate. Ha”, he has indicated.

In another message published this Wednesday, Lastra has called the leaders of the PP of Asturias “clowns”, who on his Twitter account accused him of keeping quiet about the elimination of the crime of sedition — for which the pro-independence leaders of the procès– when in 2017 Lastra said “no” to the independentistas, as they pointed out.

“In 2017 you said NO to the independentistas and today you remain silent and grant, Adriana Lastra? It is time to be brave. Asturias does not want this. The repeal of the crime of sedition, in your hand”, has indicated the message to which he has responded the former ‘number two’ of the PSOE.

“You should at least be a little more courageous and mention me, right? And if you were also a little less clowns, it would still be better for you. That it was the PP who had an illegal referendum, they approved a DUI and Puigdemont escaped. You are a machine for generating independence”, Lastra launched.

The Secretary of State for Relations with the Courts, Rafael Simancas, has also responded to the PP, stating that the right “has always liked to make lists pointing out socialists… since Millán Astray”. “If that one did not intimidate us, these will not scare us,” he wrote on the same social network.

Parliamentarian Zaida Cantera, who has accused the PP of doing the same as the Nazis in Germany, the fascists in Italy and the Francoists in Spain, has expressed the same line. “They single out and pressure politicians one by one. They generate hatred and harassment against them and their families,” she said.

“Who do you think you’re talking to? I know what national sovereignty is. You betray it in Europe. You betray it in Spain. You betray it in Madrid. Cowards,” he wrote below.

Likewise, the socialist deputy Belén Fernández has accused the PP of carrying out this “signaling” due to its “political insolvency” and of “intimidating as a modus operandi”. As she has indicated, it is the only contribution of the PP to Spain.