They are the crew members Playa de Menduiña de Dos, who also transferred the bodies located from the shipwreck


The judge of the National Court investigating the shipwreck of the Galician fishing vessel ‘Villa de Pitanxo’ which occurred in waters near the Island of Newfoundland (Canada) has summoned 13 sailors from Playa de Menduiña Dos, the ship, to testify on November 30 in charge of transferring the three survivors and seven of the bodies located from the shipwreck.

Legal sources have confirmed to Europa Press that the head of the Central Investigating Court Number 2, Ismael Moreno, has agreed to call the crew of the ship that returned the survivors and the deceased to the port of Cangas, in Pontevedra.

The National Court has been coordinating the investigation since last September after Judge Moreno definitively assumed jurisdiction. The magistrates of the Third Section of the Criminal Chamber endorsed this same month of November the decision adopted on September 8 by the instructor.

Moreno has already taken a statement from the skipper of the fishing boat, Juan Padín, as the defendant, his nephew Eduardo Rial and the sailor Samuel Kwesi, as witnesses, as they were the only survivors of the shipwreck.

The judicial investigations are due to the fact that Kwesi has offered a version that contradicts the one exposed by Padín and Rial and that would point to possible negligence on their part that would have triggered the tragedy.

After listening to them, the judge prohibited Padín from leaving Spain, withdrew his passport and imposed the obligations of appearing every fortnight in court and remaining located.