The PSOE reiterates its call to the PP to renew the CGPJ “without conditions” or “excuses”


The deputy of the PP Luis Santamaría has reproached the Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, for having maintained a “deafening silence”, in the “Yolanda Díaz style”, in the face of the “attacks” of Unidas Podemos on judges, a reform of the Penal Code (CP) “a la carte” of the independence movement and the “botch” of what is known as the ‘law of only yes is yes’, within the framework of the debate on the General State Budgets (PGE) that was held this Tuesday at the Congress of Deputies.

During his speech, the ‘popular’ deputy explained that he preferred to focus on Llop’s “deafening silence” rather than on his words about the PGE of Justice for 2023, reproaching her for having remained “silent” –“mudita”– before the salary demands of legal operators such as the lawyers of the administration of justice (LAJ) and the controversies that have arisen in recent weeks that affect their Ministry.

Specifically, it has made Llop ugly, who, in the “Yolanda Díaz style”, “has not defended the judges from the furious attacks of a minister who was almost on the brink of a nervous breakdown”, alluding to the head of Equality, Irene Montero, and “from a party like Podemos that, in addition to blaming you, is incapable of recognizing its mistakes.”

In this sense, the ‘popular’ deputy has criticized the “botch” of the “law of only yes is yes”, “which is serving so that monsters -sexual offenders or pedophiles–, get out of jail or can see reduced Their feathers”. “And you have not said anything”, he has emphasized himself.

Santamaría has also charged Llop for said “silence” while “legislation is being made a la carte modifying the Criminal Code at the request of the independence movement” with the objective – he has warned – that former Catalan vice president Oriol Junqueras can stand in the elections.

And “while in his Ministry an unpresentable pardon is suspected” to the former Andalusian president José Antonio Griñán for the fraudulent ERE, Santamaría added, emphasizing that the money may not have gone into his pocket “but it did to that of his friends”.

In this situation, the representative of the PP has raised “to what point of moral and intellectual degradation, seeing everything that is happening, are they willing to go (from the PSOE) to keep Pedro Sánchez for a little while longer in the Moncloa chair “.

From the socialist ranks, Uxía Tizón, has blamed Santamaría for having “the audacity” to “give lessons on Justice” with “the fuss they are causing with the General Council of the Judiciary” (CGPJ), which has been pending renovation for almost four years.

“Justice seems more Justice if it is not blocked or tampered with. They can start by respecting the Constitution and the judges,” urged the socialist deputy, calling again to agree on the renewal of the CGPJ “without conditions” or “excuses”.

Along the same lines, the deputy of United We Can Martina Velarde has taken advantage of her turn to speak to “denounce the very serious situation to which the recourse to the blockade of the PP for the renewal of the CGPJ has led.”

Velarde has accused the PP of breaching the Constitution and of following democratic rules “only when it interests them”, engaging in “blackmail”: “When it is not a veto of Podemos it is sedition and, if not, something else”.

Faced with this, he has challenged the ‘popular’ to propose a law in Congress so that members who exceed three months with their mandate expired have their salaries suspended and that money is dedicated, for example, to “training on equal terms with politicians and some judges who have been asking women if they resisted a rape”.

For his part, the deputy for Ciudadanos Edmundo Bal has focused his intervention on denouncing that, in the face of the PGE defended by Llop, “Justice continues to be the poorest public service in the Budgets because it does not give votes.”

In particular, it has called attention to the fact that the Government is showing itself to be “rash” by not raising the Multiple Income Index (IPREM), which was frozen and this year has only risen by 3.65%, and serves to ” social aid”, and, on the other hand, it has increased the Minimum Interprofessional Wage, “paid by employers”. “How nice it is to play with other people’s money”, she has blurted out.

Bal has also put the magnifying glass on the conditions of the lawyers on duty, who has said that in Spain they charge an average of 178 euros when the European average is 462, urging Llop to “dignify” his remuneration, while You have mentioned the wage demands of the LAJ, who are on strike these days.

Likewise, he has denounced that the number of judges and prosecutors in Spain is still low, when compared to European ratios, an aspect on which Vox deputy Javier Ortega Smith has also emphasized, to later add to the references to the CGPJ, although accusing the Government of wanting to “control it so that it shuts up and gags it.”

Thus, Ortega Smith has concluded that Justice does not reach those who should, but rather benefits “those who evade capital, political parties, ETA members, coup leaders and rapists.”

Llop, who has started the debate on the PGE of Justice, has used his intervention to claim what he understands as a “government commitment to carry out the modernization and transformation of the sector” in order to “build a strong public service, guarantor of rights and promoter of equal opportunities” closest to the citizen.

The minister recalled that the endowment for the public Justice policy for 2023 amounts to 2,233.82 million euros, 7.7% more than the previous year, eliminating the effect of European funds.

The head of Justice wanted to highlight some items, such as the one for the CGPJ –with 78.3 million euros, 3% more–; the scholarship program launched in 2022, which will double in 2023, with a total of 3.4 million; and that of personnel expenses, which exceeds 1,786 million, 77.5% of the total amount of the Ministry.

Llop has highlighted the “substantial improvements” that he ensures that the LAJ have received from the Ministry in 2022, through the Royal Decree on remuneration that was promulgated last April retroactively, and also in the field of interventions in entrances and registers, as well as the substitutions made by these professionals.