The Minister of Justice, Local Administration and Public Function of the Junta de Andalucía, José Antonio Nieto, has considered it “incredible” that ministers question the work of judges and their impartiality as a result of the application of the ‘Only yes is yes’ law , pointing out that “this is blowing up the rule of law.” Thus, he has once again demanded that the central government correct said rule.

“We cannot open, as we are seeing, from the executive power an open war with the judiciary. It seems incredible to me to see how ministers of the Government of Spain question the work of the judges, accuse them of being sexists and biased; that is blow up the rule of law”, he said in statements to journalists in Malaga.

Nieto has explained that a judge “always acts with absolute impartiality, he can be right or wrong, because we are people”, but he has pointed out that “when judgments are made in courts throughout Spain by judges from all over Spain, perhaps they have to recognize the Government that the one who made a mistake was the Government”.

In this regard, he recalled that there was “prior notice from all associations of judges and a multitude of specialists who have already warned that this law was poorly drawn up and that it was going to generate problems like the ones it is causing.” “I find what is happening incredible and tremendously dangerous,” she said.

That is why he has insisted on demanding that the Government “correct this law and prevent rapists, abusers and people who have acted in a demeaning way from continuing to benefit from it when there is a conception in Spanish society of not allowing any advantage to a sexual offender” .

“And this is taking place due to a bad law that the Government of Spain has proposed and some political parties have approved in the Cortes without listening to the specialists and without heeding the warnings that were made at the time,” said the counselor. Andalusian.