The State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, has indicated this Thursday that the Prosecutor’s Office will flee from “automatisms” in the sentence reviews in which it intervenes as a result of the entry into force of the ‘law of only yes is yes’, to carry out this legal work with “a vocation to protect the victims”.

“I want to show that, as has been done on other occasions, the Prosecutor’s Office, fleeing from automatisms, will carry out this legal work in each and every one of the enforceable actions in which it arises, with a clear priority and vocation of protection. to the victims and full respect for constitutional principles”, he said during the VIII Congress of the Observatory against Domestic and Gender Violence organized by the General Council of the Judiciary that is being held this Thursday in the Senate.

García Ortiz has valued the “paradigm change” that the entry into force of the law has brought about, since he places “affirmative consent” to have sexual relations as the “axis” of the crime, while incorporating preventive and protection.

Likewise, he explained that “in the framework of the application there has been a modification of the criminal types and this entails, like any other reform, a review of some of the existing sentences”.