The Independent Judicial Forum (FJI) has indicated this Thursday that the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, should present her resignation after charging against the judges after knowing reductions in the sentences of sexual offenders by application of the Organic Law of Comprehensive Guarantee of Freedom Sexual, known as the law of ‘only yes is yes’.

In a statement, the association of judges has described the reaction of the Ministry of Equality as “unfair and puerile” and they consider that this department “should assume the responsibility of those who, knowing the risk that existed that sentence reductions would be produced, did not made the slightest effort to rectify the possible unintended effects of a defectively elaborated legislative project”.

They indicate that instead of amending defects, what has been done is to charge in an “unfair and generalized” way against the judges who are the ones who must apply the elaborated law.

“He has said that we do not comply with the Law who, on a daily basis and, on many occasions without the adequate means to do so, do nothing other than work to, precisely, combat sexist violence,” they explained.

They regret the seriousness of the accusations made and “the infantilism of trying to project responsibility for one’s own actions onto others,” for which they reiterate that Montero must leave office “to close this unfortunate spectacle with a minimum of dignity.”

On the other hand, from FJI they explain that already in the parliamentary processing of the law, various institutions and organizations warned that some criminal types would see their sentences reduced and that this could lead in some cases to the revision of already firm sentences.

They add that the reductions known these days are carried out by application of the general principle of retroactivity of the most favorable criminal law, and they charge Montero, explaining that he has limited himself to saying that judges apply the law defectively and that there are judges who they are breaking it.

In this sense, they also regret the reaction of the Government delegate against Gender Violence, Victoria Rosell, for speaking of sexist justice and for affirming that the problem is not the law; and they also criticize the position of the Secretary of State for Equality, Ángela Rodríguez Pam, who stated that the lack of training of judges in gender matters in Spain was a shame.