The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, reaffirmed on Monday Italy’s commitment to the fight against climate change at the COP27 Climate Summit in an attempt to calm critical voices against her Executive.

The far-right leader has spoken at the 27th Conference on Climate Change of the United Nations (COP27) that is being held these days in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, affirming that this “is a decisive moment” in the fight against the degradation of the environment and the increase of the temperatures.

“In recent months we have experienced its dramatic effects throughout Europe, in Pakistan, in the Horn of Africa and in many other regions of the planet. We are all called to make deeper and faster efforts to protect our planet, our common home”, Meloni has affirmed, according to a statement from Palacio Chigi.

In this sense, the Italian ‘premier’ has maintained that it is important to “keep people at the center” by combining environmental, economic and social sustainability.

“Despite a very complex international scenario, already affected by the pandemic and even more interrupted by the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Italy remains firmly committed to following its decarbonization path, in full compliance with the objectives of the Paris Agreement,” he added. aggregate.

Meloni has outlined his government’s plans to alleviate the climate crisis, such as the creation of an energy diversification strategy “in close collaboration” with several African countries, with whom Italy has improved its cooperation in recent months.

At the European level, the Italian Executive plans to propose a reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030, as well as achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest.

“We intend to seek a just transition to support the affected communities and leave no one behind,” stressed the leader of Brothers of Italy.

All in all, Meloni praised the management of former Prime Minister Mario Draghi, stating that last year the Italian Presidency of the G20 “achieved concrete results that paved the way for the Glasgow agreements”.

“As a partner of the United Kingdom for COP26, we promote the ‘Youth4Climate’ event, in order to involve young generations in decision-making processes on climate change”, he asserted.

In addition, he has maintained that his Executive remains committed to fulfilling the promise of 100,000 million dollars to support developing countries until 2025, as well as defining “an ambitious and sustainable objective” thereafter.

“Italy is proud to be part of the Just Energy Transition Partnerships, an ambitious G7 initiative that will provide significant financial resources and technical assistance to partner countries,” added the Italian Prime Minister.

“The fight against climate change is a common effort, which requires the full commitment of all countries and pragmatic cooperation between all major global players. Unfortunately, we have to admit that this is not happening,” he added, assuring that Italy will “contribute his fair share.”