Seven researchers and consultants suggests that Sweden should introduce a tax based on distance driven for private cars, in order to meet the four goals are:

Motorists must pay to the social security of the external costs that traffic gives rise to.

the climate targets in 2030, and 2045 for the transport sector are to be achieved.

• The amount of tax revenue, and the surpluses that it generates is to be stored.

• there is No greater trafikarbete should be allowed to arise in the major urban areas, as compared with the case without the road tax.

However, the authors did not explain why it is necessary to hit four birds with the same stone, and does not analyse the apparent conflict of objectives. Since it is assumed that the model will not be introduced until the end of 2020, it can reasonably contribute to the koldioxidmålet by 2030. If they would like to see the rapid electrification of road transport, in order to achieve the goal of the 2045, it may be wise to not make the transition to electric cars by taxing them out loud, just to maintain the present level of the tax burden.

(and no, emissions, lower noise pollution, and, over time, reducing the risk of accidents) are difficult to understand. Revenues from environmental taxes will be reduced as they reduce what should be expected of them. In order to keep total government revenue unchanged, the open-ended analysis of what the tax and the rate increases that gives the least social and economic cost. Taxing mobility is more than what is socially optimal is, by definition, is costly.

the Author’s attitude to the traffic of the country’s major urban centers are just as difficult to understand. Why is it so important to reduce the traffic of the electrified will be pollution free, and quiet? The risk of an accident is also lower in large cities than in small towns. Crowds fought the best of the congestion charge, but it is never socially optimal to reduce it to zero.

the Problem is exacerbated by the directive can be amended only by a unanimous decision in the EUROPEAN union. The authors miss, in addition, the problems associated with unwanted cross-border shopping on petrol and diesel, which could occur as a result of Sweden, cut their income tax to a level well below those of neighbouring countries. Subjecting foreign-registered passenger tax based on distance driven and when they are visiting our country, it can also be difficult. Each of the seven abstaining from taking up the question of how to heavy-duty vehicles are subject to taxation when the tax on diesel fuel will be reduced.

in each of The seven believe that it is important that the destination of the traffic, reflecting the differences in the socio-economic marginal costs between the city and the country, however, through the electrification will be significantly reduced. They state in the report that the olyckskostnaden, per vehicle kilometres travelled, is about 10 times higher in urban areas than in rural areas. This is not the case. Trafikarbetet of the car is distributed between 35/65 between the urban and rural areas, and in 2018, the event occurred just 24 per cent of the trafikdödsfallen in the tätbebyggt area. The most common speed limit in the olycksvägarna 70 km/h), while very few were killed on the motorways and dual carriageways (which accounts for a large portion of the trafikarbetet). The accuracy of the proposed model is likely to be poor.

However, if – despite the fact that it is contrary to the principle of the internalisation of the external costs, which the authors claim to want to follow, and to keep the state’s revenues from road traffic, remain unchanged, can, of course, it would be useful to consider how the rural areas will be affected. The difference in the car-dependent, and the annual distance per capita between the rural and the urban areas, but in small counties and towns of a similar size in different parts of the country. If you want to protect your country, it may fördelningspolitiskt be adequate to compensate for the loss of tax revenue to which the electrification by a height of the annual fordonskatt, which is higher for new cars than for older people, and to allow the vehicles that are registered to undertake to ensure a reduction (within the limit of one vehicle per adult).
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