the Instagramkontot ”assholesonline” Linnéa has Claeson been able to reach out to the hundreds and hundreds of people. In addition, she is a regular columnist for the newspaper Aftonbladet.

What is less familiar to her appointment at the faculty of engineering at Lund university (LTH). Then, in may of last year, the work Linnea Claeson, who projektkommunikatör of the project, the ”Full coverage”, reported the newspaper the new york times.

to promote the mobile coverage in rural areas. For Linnea Claesons part of the work to analyse and provide advice as to how the project will reach out to the people. Above all, the focus is on the various platforms of social media.

”She is a major player in the media and we saw an opportunity to use her experience in order to enhance the communication of the objectives and outcomes of this project,” said Daniel Roy, the head of the department of electrical and information engineering at the faculty of engineering at Lund university, in an e-mail to the new york times.

this is 25 per cent, according to the newspaper. The basic salary for an assignment is the 40.000 Swedish kronor, and Linnea Claeson a quarter of the price. The money for the project comes from the government agency Vinnova. The mission is expected to continue until september of this year.

published in Linnea Claeson is a picture of her Instagramkonto. The text did mention her in the project.

The project’s website describes the samhällsdebattören as an ambassador. Normally used in the title and when the person is in the face of the company for the project. Professor Per Ödling, one of the members, dismiss the case.

”She was involved in part with the communication in the project, and she has me to build up a portfolio of projects that will have a positive impact on democracy, however, is technology-based,” he told the newspaper.

this is what Linnea Claeson is doing on Instagram or Facebook don’t have a project to do.

for The last time, Linnéa has Claeson been criticized on several fronts. This applies particularly to the way in which she is to present evidence of incidents of sexual harassment in their Instagramkonto. Among other things, she has edited several conversations at one and the same. Since then, the samhällsdebattören both acknowledged and apologised for the fact that she has been too unclear with it.

Read more: the Powers that be, who have never examined, has begun to be examined.