This is a welcome transformation in many parts of the public sector, where organisations are seeking to replace the micro-management and unnecessary formalism, with its increased flexibility, and better opportunities for executives, managers and employees, but also for the citizens. The development is required in order to be able to help people with a variety of special needs, for a good work environment and good management of public resources. It is also necessary to combat corruption, create a culture of psychological safety and accountability, which visselblåsande is to be welcomed.
Many of the mistakes that have been made in the control and management of the public sector over the past decades could have been avoided if politicians and civil servants listen more closely to the research. The alarm has been heard, for a long period of time from the scientific community. There were introduced, for example, the concept of New Public Management (NPM) in 1991 by dr Christopher Hood. In a now-classic book, from 1997, The Audit Society: Rituals of Verification, warns the researcher, Michael, the Power of the emerging granskningssamhället.
since Then, the publications, the studies are been plenty, but in the interest of politicians and policy-makers have been in a cool place. The debate in Sweden and gained momentum in 2013. In the years to follow, got lots of the researchers presented in the major daily newspapers, debattsidor, and called for a greater reliance on the public sector, the close professions. In 2015, the government announced a tillitsreform. An important part of the state, the commission of inquiry Tillitsdelegationen, to whose promotion the mission of the ccs was completed in June 2018, and in the administration of the state in October of this year.
as has been widely reported in the research is the differentiation of the three guiding principles to work from (actually, koordineringsmekanismer) as a researcher, by Paul S Adler suggests. He distinguishes between the following:
• Hierarchy – bureaucracy, red tape, legislation, regulation, proposed to the us army.
– • the Market: competition, rewards, and pricing.
• Trust – communities of practice, collective responsibility, no knowledge.
In all societies, and organizations, is the result of an interaction between the three . Exactly how the balance should look like may differ depending on the context. In general, however, the trust is a underbetonad styrprincip in the modern world, with all the complexities it brings with it, says Adler. What we are seeking is, therefore, not a new point, but a move towards management that is more sustainable in the long term and are balanced.
in many ways. Many argue that the growing literature in the field of tillitsbaserad control has been given to the word, and the legitimacy of a philosophy that they are required to work outside, but do not dare to take the step. As we will see, however, the term is sometimes misunderstood, misused, or used in the parliamentary. The following three points can determine how successful the shift to a more tillitsbaserad control.
1, the Cooperation between the research, policy, and practice.
Despite the fact that there is a good level of knowledge in the research of what is needed for the employee to be able to do a good job, do not apply this knowledge to the decision-makers at the central level in policy-making and management. It’s not sustainable. One reason may be the myth that scientists would not be able to communicate the results of their research, and they do not understand the practice, however, most of the social science researcher to work on a daily basis with this type of issue. The story shows how all the mistakes could have been avoided if the scientists had been allowed to enter. Research, practice, and policy need to go to securely link their arms, to the development of the public sector.
2. practice cross-disciplinary research.
on the Governance of the research has been premierat of the competition, and sometimes unnecessary, the sharp boundaries between the higher education institutions and subjects. In order to find out how close the professions could be strengthened is a need for more cross-disciplinary collaboration, and a more practically-orientated research. In this way, also, the debate is moving away from the description of the problem, which is well-known for a focus on the possible solutions.
3, Let the core of the business to drive the development.
There is a meeting between the employee and the citizen, as you can see, many of the problems faced by a poorly-designed control results in the. Therefore, the development of a high level to be driven on the basis of a proposal from the co-workers, citizens, and managers, who will meet in the core of the business, however, with the sanctioning of politicians and civil servants in the form of, for example, the necessary economic conditions.
to represent the eleven different fields of research. We are launching a new national network, the College’s web of trust. The aim is to address the needs of the above, through the creation of meeting-places, and the dissemination of relevant research, to encourage the practice of interdisciplinary research, as well as the work of the cast, from the core business to reach out in a better way.
We also want to maintain a research strategy to allow the tillitsdiskussionen to be broad-based and diverse, with room for different interpretations and ideas. Some of the uses of the concept of trust in research, others use the other term, and this is the width we want to preserve.
this Bundle is the belief that the public sector is in general characterized by a control and management with greater confidence in our close professionals and the citizens they are there for. It does not always, or everywhere, but in a lot of contexts.
the development of the public sector is the strengthening of the close professional backgrounds, have access to sufficient resources, the interaction between practice and research, as well as a clear förändringsmandat. There are many of us in the scientific community, who are happy to help with the work.