for several years, the absence of national statistics for the recycling of newspapers and magazines. Still leaning to the producers, against the alleged high level of recycling, in order to get out of the new requirements, in the neighborhood of the collection. It is not believable or in keeping with the law, and the proposed solution will lead to a reduction of to the recovery.

in the 25 years after the producer responsibility for packaging and newspapers and magazines were introduced, we can say that it wasn’t like it was supposed to. Many of the takes, indeed, to the recycling, but the producers are successful, all too often, the emptying of the time, and keep them clean. Large quantities of recyclable materials were also thrown into the residual waste – one-third of the average of the bins consist of packaging and newspapers and magazines.

starting in 2021, will the data collection take place close to the consumers, and by 2025, everyone should be able to provide the packages and the magazines in which they live. , There is a huge potential for such a change, all of the experience that consumers appreciate, it is close to the service and to sort out more of the recovery. It’s not a small change we’re talking about – a number of municipalities, which, on its own initiative, to offer this service to indicate to the quantity of waste placed in the trash and are incinerated can be reduced by half.

It would like to compel all the household to carry in the way of his papers, even if they are in the day, leave them out for recycling in their garbage.

”But,” said the paper industry, ”we recycle more than 90% of the paper (in, for example, a day of Work, september 5, 2019). They use it as an excuse to try to evade the requirements of the uppstramade the regulatory setting. The place for a neighborhood gathering, they want to, therefore, refer the papers to a much less expensive solution, with the recycling facilities in the city. So they want to force every household to carry in the way of his papers, even if they are in the day, leave them out for recycling in their garbage.

Pappersbranschens the fine facade of the krackelerar also, when you light it. For the truth of the matter is that the actual rate of recovery is not clear, because the paper manufacturers account of the ”need for secrecy” to refuse to disclose information on the amount of paper that is put on the market. The Swedish epa is the responsible regulatory authority, noting that ”the data of the recycled paper is not known for the year 2009”. It does not stop the lobbyists from the claim that Sweden has been ”the best in the world, the recycling of newsprint, of which 90 per cent is recycled”. It makes you wonder how they can be made aware of it.

If the producers of statistics, is shrouded in mystery, is a Waste of Sweden’s figures are precise. They show that up to 40 000 tonnes in the newspaper today ends up in the trash and burned. This forced the residents – the residents – to pay for collection and processing. Then producentansvaren was introduced in Swedish households paid 20 million for packaging, newspapers and magazines have been wrong, often because of a poor service.

in Addition, the municipalities are free to set aside land for the collection, at a value of sek 48 million a year for 25 years.

the amount of packaging that is felsorteras can be reduced by at least 20% to 30%, and the amount of newspapers with a minimum of 25 per cent. The system provides 93 percent of the rejected papers from the villas, it is a guarantee to meet the target of 90% of the recovery as the government set for 2020. Today, only one in seven of the villa’s access to the services, so the potential is huge.

Pappersbranschens a solution, to force the swedes will bring their old newspapers to the recycling centers, meets very little of the regulation’s requirements, in which the neighborhood collection is the general rule. If the shampoo bottles, and milk cartons can be collected at home, then it is most likely possible, even for papers. The idea behind the förordningsändringarna is that a household should be able to give away all of the stresses of everyday waste and, at the same time, in the same system. It should be easy for you to do the right thing. To make changes to the papers, would impair the service performance and make it difficult to communicate about the new insamlingsordningen, which may weaken the positive effects of a neighborhood gathering. While other waste can be left at home are at risk of more newspapers end up in the trash instead of being turned into the recovery.

. Neither the Swedish households, municipalities learn to send you an invoice for the paper manufacturers account for the costs they have incurred. Now it’s time for the producers to thank for their help, and to arrange in the neighborhood of the collection, as required by law.

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