In China is soon to come also the breeding of sheep on the Blockchain. Contract farming as a direct sales from the farmer to the end customer is already known. The Blockchain is now more effective.

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The US-American technology company Future of FinTech and the Chinese marketing company Chifeng Supply and Marketing, E-Commerce together to develop a block-chain based trading platform for sheep breeders.

Or to put it differently: The already known distribution model of contract farming to breeding in China soon for the sheep on the Blockchain to run. Sheep breeders and customers, some of the contract farming in advance and directly to the price and the delivery time. The sheep farmers know exactly how many sheep you sell.

you can enlarge your flocks, depending on your needs, in or out. The customer can check via the trading platform at any time, where their sheep are and how they are raised. Who wants to no meat from factory farming, can easily choose Alternatives. Through the Blockchain, the contract is for breeding to better traceable and intermediate traders should be completely switched off. To bring both the farmers as well as for the customers price advantages.

so Far, the Future was specialized in FinTech, it, Blockchain technology and crypto-currencies develop for the distribution of consumer goods. The contract is new territory for breeding for the company itself.

We are pleased with the Chifeng Supply and Marketing, E-Commerce to work together to develop the platform for Blockchain-contract farming. It is our first project in the agricultural sector. We believe that this model of the Blockchain-contract breeding has a large potential market,

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Yongke Xue, Chairman of the Board of the Future of FinTech, said in the press release.

Blockchain switches between traders

the original idea of The Blockchain, the technology between the dealers or other middle men off, is also used in agriculture more and more to reality. Meanwhile, there are about Blockchain platforms for the global rice trade, or for the coffee farmers in India, your can sell their crops directly to export.

The transactions are thus not only more transparent and faster. In the rules, farmers can negotiate, thanks to the Blockchain technology, a better price for their Crops. No intermediary can divert more percents from the income. Thus, the food increases the long-term quality, because the farmers can put more money in your production.


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