German Charter Airline Hahn Air has succeeded according to its own information, a world premiere. In a test run, the first using the Blockchain managed the airline’s technology, managed flight. This offer, reservation of and payment for the Tickets have been fully settled by using the Open-Source platform of the Swiss Blockchain Start-ups Winding Tree.

By David Barkhausen
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With a fleet of three machines and nearly 300 employees, valve is one Air to the dwarves in the highly competitive airline market. This, however, must not be an obstacle, but to enable large, so far from industry giants unmatched advances can, shows the airline this week.

As the company said in a press release on Monday, the 18. November, announced, managed, Hahn Air is the world’s first Airline for the carriage of passengers by using the Blockchain Tickets. Support got the airline by the Blockchain-a Start-up Winding Tree.

On the Open Source platform of the Swiss, were settled on a flight from Dusseldorf to Luxembourg from the offer on the reservation, to the payment of all steps of the Ticket management using Blockchain technology.

According to the Partner of the pilot trial was able to prove the many benefits of the technology. A transparent, for all Involved, a visible exchange of data, especially for cost savings and security concerns. So the Blockchain could outsource solutions, middle men such as travel agencies, Booking agencies or Websites, and thus, the organization expenses of the screws. Thanks to the decentralized, immutable storage of all data, in turn, no risk of Manipulation would be.

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Frederick Nowotny, Director of sales engineering at Hahn Air, is convinced of the pilot common project:

We are proud to be able to our technical ability to issue Hahn Air Tickets with Blockchain-drive proof. […] Our goal is to investigate the opportunities of this technology for travel distribution, although wide acceptance remains a Vision for the future.

Whether and under what conditions, the Blockchain platform could be used in the future, permanently, leaves the company from time to time.

Meanwhile, suppliers of other economic sectors, such as in the concert and event Ticket sales already rely fully on the technology promise. The plans of the event, giant Shubert Organization to go, for example, could in the future be, all of the Tickets the New York Broadway Musicals using Blockchain technology secured. So you want to put in front of all counterfeiters to the craft.

flight industry has the Blockchain in the sights

in the airline industry, Hahn Air is not the first company that throws his eye on the benefits of the Blockchain. In the development of the technologies of the Russian Airline S7 also has its first results. According to reports, managed the airline as early as 2017, Ticket sales via Ethereum Blockchains to handle. Together with the Oil giant Gazprom, in turn, the Airline published in the past year, the “Aviation Fuel Smart Contracts (AFSC)”. This will help to refuel aircraft faster and more efficiently.

according to observers, the Potential of the technology is not exhausted, however, for a long time. According to the Tech consultant Accenture about the Blockchain could attack the airlines in the future, among other things, the maintenance of aircraft, under the arms and around the chains of a replacement secure delivery. In addition, they predict a broad application catalog for the future of the entire airline and travel industry.


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