IBM has developed a block chain-based platform to store certificates and qualifications of workers. This application process for employers and employees in the future to optimize. In addition, embodiments can be used and recognized, the shortage of skilled workers in many sectors of the economy.

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IBM, on Thursday, the 14. November, in a press release the introduction of a Blockchain platform for the detection of academic and professional qualifications known. The Learning Credential Network (LCN) stores certificates and degrees, and to optimize, among other things, the recruitment procedure of the company. At the same time vocational training can be better targeted to facilitate the connection to the labour market.

The lack of appropriate qualifications, according to IBM, one of the biggest future challenges for workers. A recent study by the IBM Institute for Business Value showed, therefore, that over 120 million workers in the twelve largest economies due to the digital change will need to be qualified in the next three years.

From the study also indicated that new requirements develop quickly, while other qualifications are unnecessary. This qualification creates “gaps”, but through appropriate education and training in close.

to meet the challenge of the shortage of skilled workers, Lord, have stimulated governments and private sector on various projects. With special training programs that allow employees without academic degree training, these can be targeted to the specific requirements of schools. The Blockchain of the Learning Credential Networks recognized in the financial statements and records acquired, as well as a lack of skills.

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The Learning Credential Network is intended to fill the need for qualifications. The platform used consequently, the Blockchain technology to facilitate a verifiable record of learning and Qualifications. The user will get the control of your data and authorize the disclosure of the information. As a result, a better exchange of information between employers and potential employees should be held: an employer can check the LCN of the skills of workers and Vacancies match.

job applicants today with a vast amount of career opportunities faced. Required continuing education must be found in order to take in the labour market. The LCN optimized the increasingly complex and inefficient candidate market. The Blockchain could facilitate the identification of promising candidates, and academic institutions and the growing demand for educational certificates to cope with.


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