The drinks manufacturer Coca-Cola will in future be relying on the Blockchain technology. As a result, the group, optimize supply chains, to create more transparency and to lower costs hoped for. The technology comes from the German Software company SAP.

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The drinks giant Coca-Cola relies in the future on the Blockchain technology to the tracking of supply chains and the exchange to optimize the intermediate trader. The company uses the technology of German software manufacturer SAP.

The technology company The Coke One North America leads the IT operations for the 70 Bottlers, working with the Limomarke. It uses the Blockchain technology of SAP, in order to improve the complex production process. As a result, the Franchise company gets better insights into the structure of other partners and can perform transactions faster.

Essentially, the Blockchain technology offers a possibility to transparent streams of data to keep track of. The Ledger ensures a global exchange of information between companies that may, in particular, to optimize logistics processes. But while crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin have made, the Blockchain technology is famous, are large corporations still hesitant to transition their operations on the Blockchain.

Andrei Semenov, Senior Manager at Coke One North America, told the news magazine Business Insider:

There are a variety of inefficient transactions, the company and industry borders. You run through intermediaries and are very slow. We were of the opinion that we could improve this and save some money.

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Despite the benefits of the Blockchain for companies in the logistics, the Distributed Ledger technology is still skepticism in the case of large companies. It projects that provide the benefits of the applications of large-scale evidence is still lacking in ground-breaking pilot. If Coca-Cola is one of the largest corporations worldwide on technology, it sends a Signal to other corporations.

With SAP, Coca-Cola has a highly experienced Tech group at his side. The Software manufacturer has recently entered into a partnership with the Blockchain-company Chronicled, in the case of the friction taxable drugs work together on the verification of waste. The development of a block chain-based system is designed to help companies in the implementation of the U. S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA).


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