Google has announced the successful implementation of a quantum computer. The supercomputers have put in a Test for a never-before-seen computing power of the test. With quantum computers a new Era of information technology is imminent. But how realistic is the implementation and what are the potential dangers for the Bitcoin Blockchain?

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a danger to the Bitcoin Blockchain Threatens? Google has presented in an article on the successful Test of a quantum computer. The Supercomputer have solved a mathematical equation within 200 seconds, for which the currently most powerful computer required a greater expenditure of time of 10,000 years. Thus, the promise of quantum computers will be redeemed”, that computational tasks can be run on a quantum processor exponentially faster than on a classical processor”.

Google’s new Chip Sycamore is apparently so fast because he can run the calculation steps can be simultaneously processed by a classical Computer, one after the other. This computing power is based on the phenomenon of Superposition, which describes the quantum physics: A sub-skopisches particle, such as an electron, can take on contrary properties at the same time. This phenomenon can be seen in the information technology as a Qubit use. In the past, one saw in the Community a threat to the Bitcoin Blockchain.

While a Bit of the classical digital computer, only either the value 0 or 1 can assume, overlap on the Qubit, the two values. With each added Qubit, the number of possible combinations is doubled. The computing power grows exponentially.

Google’s Chip used 53 Qubits. The same number of classical Bits can represent only a certain sequence of zeros or ones. The 53 Qubits store about ten quadrillion different combinations: a One with 16 zeros. Quantum computers can process much more information than classical computers.

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The use of quantum computers could simplify a lot of information, technical applications, and accelerate. Therefore, several companies and developers are working on solutions for the quantum computer, D-Wave Systems, and NASA.

A danger to the Bitcoin Blockchain?

the quantum computer to decrypt the theory is capable of complex cryptographic Algorithms of the Bitcoin Blockchain and rewrite. So far, the Blockchain is the Proof of Work is almost untouchable. It requires an unprecedented level of computing power to forge the Ledger. However, with the development of the quantum computer of appropriate computational power could be available. A signs of attack on the Bitcoin Blockchain to before stand?

Peter Todd, a former developer of Bitcoin, has doubts in a Tweet that Google’s Computer risk is a Blockchain -:

It means nothing, because Google’s breakthrough is for a primitive type of quantum Computing is applicable, which can not crack for a long cryptography.

Also, there is so far still a lot of open questions regarding the scalability of quantum computers:

We still don’t know whether it is possible to scale quantum computer; it is quite possible that Adding Qubits causes exponential costs.

If so, really, the breakthrough was made, it remains to be seen. The quantum computer will probably still futuristic reverie. The Google-developed processor indicates the direction of impact, however, is still far from a marketable product. A question that imposes itself here, moreover, is whether there is an interest to break the Bitcoin Blockchain.

developers of IBM have questioned also the Numbers of Google in a report. The dizzying span of 10,000 years, which is required according to Google, current high-performance computers for the solution of the mathematical problem, contrary to the IBM-developer a ernüchterndere number: 2.5 days.


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