Money makes the world go ’round. What is wrong in the Major, also applies to the crypto industry. Up and coming crypto companies are, accordingly, reliant on donors. Fortunately, there are specially created Fund. One of them 1Confirmation is. The crypto-investment funds gathered again millions. At the same time he can count on a prominent lender.

By Anton Livshits
26. September 2019BTC$8.207,09 -2.83%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The crypto-investment Fund 1Confirmation has taken $ 45 million for a second Fund. As the Fund’s founder Nick Tomaino in a blog post announced that are 1Confirmation now a total of about 75 million US dollars. Tomaino says he is looking forward to the future of the industry.

The San Francisco-based Fund, is one of the oldest of its kind. The former Coinbase employees Tomaino called to him, already in the year of 2017 to life. The goal of both the Adoption of the crypto-technology and Bitcoin & co. advance was. 1Confirmation supported therefore, from the beginning, both in crypto companies, as well as the decentralised organisations behind crypto-currencies. Tomaino said to the business news portal Fortune that the focus of the second Fund will be on companies, the necessary infrastructure for the Rest of the industry to deploy. As a result, a growth of the entire crypto Space is to be transported.

1Confirmation has well-known supporters

About a lack of prominent investors cannot complain 1Confirmation, however. Among the first donors about the Tech-billionaire and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, as well as the Dallas Mavericks owner Marc Cuban. Additional funds came from Marc Andreessen, the name of the Venture Capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, and from the roof Fund Horsley Bridge. Tomaino Fortune did not want to reveal the names of the investors for the second Fund. He added, however, that it will give donors a lot of Overlap with the original money.

in the light of these successful promoters of the 1Confirmation-in-chief in his blog post also gave a piece of advice for up and coming crypto-founder for the Best. The investment climate would have changed accordingly, since the crypto-Boom in 2017 significantly. Of a to quick acquisition of Funds Tomaino holds a little:

While new opportunities and a pile of Cash tempting, is the best decision for founders in the early stage is often, to be disciplined in relation to the financing to remain and to focus on the product orientation. We have seen founders with deep Conviction, remain disciplined, and the greatest success in our industry, and we hope to continue to work with a focused, disciplined and success driven entrepreneurs.

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The 1Confirmation-founder, explains that Investments and speculation will remain the primary Use Cases for crypto-currencies. He believes, however, the Emergence of other mass-compatible applications in the next five years. In particular, for Bitcoin, he prophesied, that even the Mainstream the Benefit of the crypto-currency Nr 1. as a store of Value will recognize. Accordingly, the value of Bitcoin will increase with time.

In addition, Tomaino for Ethereum optimistic. Although the use case “store of Value”, is the second largest crypto-currency is not quite as convincing as in the case of Bitcoin, the 1Confirmation Team still believes the success of the technology behind the crypto-currency: “We are of the opinion that Ethereum as a platform for innovation to exist in the future and the future of ETH Zurich as an Internet is money for open, inclusive financial products (also known as DeFi) rosy.”


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