Initial Exchange Offerings or short-inner-earth objects are considered to be one of the successors of ICOs. According to many of a similar Boom is expected as is the case with the Token Sales in 2017. A hope which has not yet been fulfilled.

Dr. Philipp Giese
8. September 2019 BTC$10.386,15 -0.11% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Initial Exchange Offerings are similar to Security Token Offerings of hope for a successor to the Initial Coin Offerings by 2017. The latter had, without doubt, their influence on the bubble-like development two years ago, and for Ethereum courses to over 1,400 U.S. dollars. Many investors set according to hope in a new gold rush, to lift the Altcoin courses back to old heights. A hope in the Initial Exchange Offerings were.

Initial Exchange Offerings or short-inner-earth objects the month topic in the crypto-compass-issue of may 2019 were. They are similar to the classic Initial Coin Offerings, but with the difference that a stock exchange plays a Central role. For exchanges is without a doubt attractive that you have the secondary market in the Hand. Projects in search of Funding for the benefit of that large stock markets represent a multiplier.

The advantage for investors, ultimately, will be in addition to the Elimination of repeated KYC/AML hurdles a certain pre-selection of projects, as well as a fast access to the secondary market. Investors hoped that an early Investment in inner-earth objects leads to high profits. But on the other hand confirm this hope so far?

to go to the bottom of this, would like to take the article the inner-earth objects by 2019, which have already reached the secondary market, in some more detail. You ignored the majority of other platforms, which led each of less than five Initial Exchange Offerings this year, have Coineal and is one of the most frequently used platforms become:

Dump it! IEO-Token-courses far beyond the all-time highs

What is striking, however, is that since may, the interest in inner-earth objects subsides. Launched in may 2019 25 Initial Exchange Offerings, in August, less than half that:

Sure, this may be a summer hole, but in the meantime, about a quarter lasts. Or So the Hype of the first half of the year could not be maintained.

This negative development is confirmed by a glance at the course of developments, With a view to all-time highs, all the Initial Exchange Offerings have not performed simply to be negative, but have fallen to an average of sixty percent since the all time high. Especially hard in the inner-earth objects, which were held on p2pb2b, Huobi Global or Bitforex, each of which had to endure a Drawdown of about 70 percent:

it hit Safe, appropriate rate developments we saw in 2018, also for Bitcoin and other major Cryptocurrencies. Here, we speak of corresponding losses in less than half a year. Although the expectation is that the younger inner-earth objects previously had to cope with lower losses, however, we speak of the inner-earth objects in August of at least 30 percent:

Bitter said: In all those cases, it would have been better to keep the money in Bitcoin. Both an Altcoin Season as well as a strengthening of the inner-earth objects currently in the distance.

2019 – Will grow the crypto-market?

however, It would be wrong to say that this analysis allows only negative conclusions. The gold diggers and gamblers mood, which is just the fourth quarter of 2017 embossed, long a thing of the past. Similarly, the depressed is minimized bearish sentiment by the end of 2018 in the past. At solid Investments, whether it’s currencies in Bitcoin or established Crypto, whether it is in the Decentralized Finance Ecosystem has increased the interest of 2019 strong. Similarly, the investors eyeing the world beyond the crypto-currencies attentive to the Security Token Offerings. Shoes is added to the latter market similar to that of the Initial Exchange Offerings in the children. One has the impression, however, that more and more reasonable Investment Cases to enforce. To keep these developments, it may be that 2019 will be the year in which the crypto-market is really grown up.

Charts on the Basis of data from Coincodex

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