The party Volt tests on your Federal Congress, the on 7. and 8. September in Leipzig, a dApp that allows you to Blockchain Voting takes place, for the first time. The dApp with the name deora is created within a few weeks, together with the support of the decentralized organization LeapDAO. To learn more about the Blockchain-solution and find out how it is to be used in the case of votes, we met with two initiators, Simon Less and Johann Barbie of deora, shortly before the Federal party to the Interview.

By Sven Wagenknecht
On 7. September 2019 BTC$10.431,12 -3.88% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

BTC-ECHO: How did you come up with the idea, deora as a Blockchain Voting application?

Simon Less: I am a member at Volt, and we have digital voting is a big topic. Shortly after I joined Volt beige, I was on a Blockchain Meetup, where Democracy Earth was presented. It is an Open-Source Blockchain platform that enables decentralized Governance through a variety of Features, such as, among other things, Voting on the Blockchain. We have found that the good ideas are. The approaches were, however, for us in the Form of not applicable.

And so came the idea to build the Use Case itself: A white labeled platform that you can use to vote. And so we were able to convince Volt to assist us in the development of the project: At the Federal party Congress in Leipzig, we can test the System for the first time.

BTC-ECHO: What is it you hope for you from the upcoming Federal Congress in your dApp?

Simon Less: In the first line, we expect a large learning effect: What happens? How does the System work? How is the user experience? The Blockchain technology and our Quadratic Voting System is already Mature enough?

Johann Barbie: Blockchain, it adheres to a negative Image, since the usability is often insufficient. What is now to be tested, is whether Blockchains user friendly, can be designed. To have improved a lot lately. I’m interested in how this is accepted.

BTC-ECHO: The dApp was created in collaboration with LeapDAO, a decentralized organization to which you belong, John. Please tell, what is your technological Foundation.

Johann Barbie: about a year Ago, we have begun to develop a Layer-2 Chain, the so-called Plasma Chain. The special feature of this technology is that it collects transactions away from the Ethereum Blockchain, and then about every two minutes bundled in Ethereum sent. On the basis of which you can prove everything that happens on the Side Chain.

What we achieve is a much larger scalability. This means that we can create blocks every two seconds, and each Block up to 1,000 transactions involve – and in doing so, we can be sure that the security of the Ethereum Blockchain remains.

For Voting is suitable for our System. Finally, it is transparent, traceable and cost-effective.

BTC-ECHO: Your System is somewhat reminiscent of Liquid Democracy. A term that first of all, the pirate party has dominated. How would you compare yourself with the approaches of the pirate party?

Simon Less: Digital votes are a good way to ask party members to your opinion. After all, they are decentralized and cost-effective. The Problem of Liquid Democracy, to find a common decision-making in a directly democratic system, however, is a power to excess people, the sting in the public eye as popular. This is a Problem, we go on our platform, using our Quadratic-Voting-System.

BTC-ECHO: And how the Quadratic Voting System with your Voice Credits work?

Johann Barbie: You may invest on a per-voice Credits – or not saving, taking part in the voting, which is not so important. This one is the other votes, multiple votes. Here, the Quadratic Voting or square principle: Nine Credits, three votes worth 25 Credits are five votes, etc.

This minority to ensure protection. If someone has so many Credits, is the share of the vote in the square is lower. If I want to but that my voice counts, I can save the Voice Credits, and so, in my opinion, more weight give.

BTC-ECHO: According to the legislation, it is not allowed in Germany, state elections electronically. Do you believe that it is using the Blockchain technology is realistic that we will see in the next few years for this purpose, a change in the law?

Simon Less: of Course, we are aware that we are early. But we hope that our contribution of a possible change in the law to aid and abet. We are optimistic that the Blockchain is a possible solution approach for digital options, and thus can also be implemented.

Johann Barbie: Many people are in the light of new technological developments, still cautious. I think, therefore, that we will not see digital elections at the Federal level so soon.

BTC-ECHO: How should it go after the initial test on your party Congress in Leipzig? What are the next steps?

We are a relatively young organization. In just three months, we have developed the dApp. The Volt should be a party conference positively, the question naturally arises, how we develop our product and organization on the best way forward – this is the question we ask in the coming weeks.

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