Bitcoin, Ethereum & co. are now to help save the rain forest. The Rainforest Foundation relies on Blockchain technology and donations in crypto-currencies.

By Phillip Horch
6. September 2019BTC$10.838,32 , 3.44%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The Amazon is burning, as before. The fight against the flames in the Brazilian rain forest is spreading now also to the Bitcoin scene. Thus, the Non-Profit organization Rainforest Foundation US calls, the crypto-Community, the destruction of the rain forest curb.

such As the Rainforest Foundation reported that it is already working since may 2014 own crypto-currency called BitSeeds. This relies on a hybrid of Proof of Work and Proof of Stake as a consensus mechanism, it was apparently listed on the Bitcoin exchange Bittrex, however, was less successful.

Rainforest Foundation relies on Bitcoin & co.

it donors now allow, however, to be able to work in the rain forest, better monitor, put the environmentalists on the Blockchain technology. This is because the technological infrastructure that helped Bitcoin to their celebrity, makes it possible for donations to keep track of. Furthermore, you want to reward active supporters with crypto-currencies. As donations to the Foundation the following crypto currencies:

Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin, Cash (BCH)

Here in place of the Rainforest Foundation on innovative solutions to protect the rain forest:

“Business as usual” has brought us to where we are. [Pure] philanthropy will not help us out of here. We need innovative solutions and no one is more innovative currencies as a user of Crypto.

Here it goes to the donate page.

the Rainforest Foundation

The Rainforest Foundation has, among other things, for the protection of indigenous peoples in South America. This back is always ultimately in the interest of economic conflicts, and it is difficult to say there is or there are. The Foundation was established in 1988 by the British musician Sting. You helped, as the first indigenous people a piece of Land legally assure.

Since inception, the organization has been able to save according to their own figures, a total of 28 million Acres (11.3 million hectares) of forestland in 20 countries. Currently she is in Brazil, Guyana, Panama and Peru for the rain forest.

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