Sierra Leone, aims for the national Blockchain ID System to allow citizens access to credit. The ID System is to allow access to the financial institutions, and thus to affordable credit. Furthermore, Sierra Leone promises a strengthening of the company.

From Stefan Schäfges
4. September 2019BTC$10.395,17 -2.58%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

According to a press release from the 2. In September, the government of Sierra Leone until the end of 2019, a national ID System based on a Blockchain, to introduce.

Sierra Leone is cooperating with the United Nations

Julius Maada Bio, the current President of Sierra Leone, announces the ID System for the end of 2019. The national ID System is to enable financial institutions verify the identity of applicants. As a result, the citizens with access to financial institutions and get the opportunity to apply for affordable loans.

The project bears the name of National Digital Identity Platform (NDIP) and is a collaboration between the United Nations and the San Francisco-based Non-Profit organization Kiva. Kiva allows for the granting of micro-loans over the Internet to small businesses and individuals, especially in developing countries.

security and the strengthening of the citizen as the backbone of the economy

The project consists of two phases. For this purpose, the President of Bio explains that, initially, the digitisation of identities takes place. Furthermore, he says that the identity represents a unique national identifier – the so-called identification number. This is not duplicatable, and not reusable.

the identification number, a credit information and reference apparatus is constructed, as well as a unique source of Reference for every performance of the services in Sierra Leone.

The President Bio:

says The access to credit and financial services can improve the lives of citizens significantly, by increasing the financial resilience of the citizens. In addition, it will strengthen the private sector […] and expand.

in Addition, the protection of the stored data should be in the foreground and the citizens can be divided to decide who the personal data.

Already in mid-August BTC was reported by the ECHO on the cooperation between Sierra Leone and Kiva. Kiva allows small loans in 80 countries. Sierra Leone could now be the first country in the the Online lending system Kiva comes in.

Earlier reports that Sierra Leone wanted to use for the presidential elections, the Blockchain technology, had to be denied in retrospect. Therefore, it remains to be seen how the current project develops and whether the partners can achieve the set goals.


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