Bitcoin and Security Token exchange MERJ Exchange concludes a partnership with Globacap Ltd. The goal is to make tokenized Securities in the European Union tradable.

31. August 2019BTC$9.594,20 0.10%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The secondary market for tokenized securities is orphaned these days. To jung, the new product of the tokenized Finance 2.0. However, the developments are progressing rapidly. Because that Security Token and will play in future an increasingly important role, it is likely to be little doubt.

MERJ: From the Seychelles to Europe

in Accordance with the contents of a media report that the economic news platform reported by Bloomberg on Thursday, may 29. August, launched, followed MERJ Exchange expansion intentions, of which investors in this country are likely to benefit. Accordingly, the company enters into a partnership with the British capital society Globacap. As a result, the exchange receives an access to the European market.

In the run-up had become known, that MERJ is the first company in the world, a Security Token on a national securities exchange.

We will be the first company ever, that an IPO is offer for a Security Token,

Edmond Tuohy, CEO of MERJ said. The MERJ Exchange is a subsidiary of the Seychelles-based parent company. Finally, the Seychelles in tax matters are considered objectively a liberal patch of earth expressed – and to attract young Bitcoin and crypto – companies.

MERJ Exchange: IPO in as little as two weeks

According to the Public already in ten days to the Security Token Offering (STO) to participate. On the MERJ Exchange, investors can trade then tokenized shares, derivatives and other forms of Security tokens.

Who would like to learn more about Security tokens, secondary markets, and the future of the financial markets, click here.


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