The daughter company tZERO from the company Overstock opens at 12. August trade for private individuals. To the date on which the one-year lock-up period for the Security Token Offering (STO). This CEO Saum Noursalehi of tZERO said to CoinDesk.

From Stefan Schäfges
9. August 2019BTC$11.742,00 0.02%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

How BTC-ECHO had already reported that since the 24. January 2019 accredited investors the Security Token on secondary markets act. tZERO planned already at that time an official trading place for the Security and Equity-Token.

Currently, the trade runs only on the Alternative Trading System (ATS). Here, only the tZERO-Token (TZEROP) and the A-1 preferred shares of Overstock is traded.

According to Saum Noursalehi, the trade will be boosted by a Bonus further. This digital shares are to be issued as a dividend to the shareholders. This measure is intended to increase the acceptance of the platform and for additional Broker in the market.

US $ 10 million loss, and 50,000 new investors

tZERO suffered in the second quarter, a loss of 10 million US dollars. Thus, the loss is more than twice as high as in the second quarter of 2018. At the time of the loss of tZERO was 4.6 million dollars.

According to tZERO-chief Noursalehi, efforts are made currently with the New York Department of Financial Services, one of the virtual currency licenses.

The tZERO plans with up to 50,000 investors to enter the digital trading of securities. A look at the website Security-Token-Cap shows the 24-hour trading volume of tZERO. 23. July 2019 was the peak at 245.547 US Dollar. In the last 24 hours tZERO has reached a volume of 3.561 US Dollar.

tZERO is part of the Blockchain-Investment-company Medici. To belong to the Medici and other Start-Ups. The President of Medici, Jonathan Johnson, expected by the Medici in the future, lower growth. Although lower growth is expected to function according to Johnson, the various companies in combination with each other. Here, Johnson highlighted the company Bitt, Voatz and Medici country Governance. In addition, this does not mean that the other will make no progress. Rather, he sees the success in the network of companies.

Furthermore, tZERO is in negotiations with the real estate company Emaar from Dubai. In July, BTC was reported by the ECHO that tZERO with the production company Vision Tree plans to the Tokenization of a movie. In this case, the company is planning the financing of the film on Tokens. The Film is Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari.

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