BitMEX reports a division of Bitcoin, SV. This development is the result of a recent Hard Fork and the Mining of massive Blocks of 210 megabytes. This one is from a CoinGeek-Miner scooped Block included on 800-000 transactions. The Hard Fork at the end of July served to increase the block size.

From Polina Khubbeeva
6. August 2019BTC$11.708,00 -0.05%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

As the crypto-Trading platform BitMEX on Twitter proclaimed, happened at the weekend, a split of the Bitcoin-SV-Protocol on three separate Chains. This Information came according to the BitMEX of 420 participants in the Bitcoin-SV-network.

as a result, the Bitcoin-SV, network node split Saturday seems to be the 3. August, in groups of three, the separate Chains to form. In concrete terms, this led to the following distribution of Nodes: 65 per cent of them were on the current Chain, while 17 per cent love on the 210-MB Block of a verb. 19 percent of the Nodes had received, therefore, no Upgrade and were still running on the original Chain.

Bitcoin SV: Hard-Fork to increase the Block-size

The Hard Fork Bitcoin, SV led, meanwhile, at 24. July 2019 successfully. The aim of this irreversible software upgrade, the increase in the block size (BTC was, therefore, to ECHO reported).

The Upgrade with the name Quasar was mainly due to the Hard Cap the block size of the Protocol. This is the maximum size that recognizes a Miner of Bitcoin, SV as valid. She is limited on 128 MB, but 2 GB.

Bitcoin, SV, meanwhile, is the result of a Hard Fork of Bitcoin to Cash (BCH), which in turn is a Fork of the Original Protocol of Bitcoin (BTC).

users complain of problems when upgrading

The division of the Protocol indicates, apparently, to the problems of some Users with the Upgrade of its Nodes. Popular services of Bitcoin, SV, as, for example,, remained on the 210-MB Block plug. You are not able to be with the Rest of the network to keep up. Ryan X Charles, CEO of the money button, reported by a blog post recently from a Crash of the service.

Yesterday, money button down was because our BSV Node had no memory, and a stress test failed. The Node ran out of money, because we used a low-performance energy resource.

three hours later was the service back online. Nevertheless, as Charles complains about the new energy source will cost you to Operate several Thousand dollars per month. The constant growth of the blocks on the BVS Protocol leads to a steady rise in the cost of the Node.

it is Unclear what happens with the Nodes of the small Miner, with no capacity, with the large block sizes in the case of Bitcoin, SV to keep up. However, studies show that there are on BSV hardly genuine economic activities. A report of CoinMetrics showed, for example, that 94 per cent of all transactions are the result of a weather App.

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