Frank Geßner has already established countless companies such as the E-Commerce provider, Intershop, or the IT job Board 4scotty. INVAO the latest project of the series is its founder. The company specializes in Investments in crypto-Assets, and relies on a so-called “Blockchain Diversified Bond”. How the Blockchain-the financial product is structured, why Liechtenstein as the company’s headquarters has been chosen and why a diversification of the crypto-portfolio makes sense of us, to be Frank Gessner explains in an Interview.

By Sven Wagenknecht
24. June 2019BTC$a total of 10,945,00 1.76%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

BTC-ECHO: Your first financial product that you are offering, call your Blockchain Diversified Bond, short-IVO. Please explain, how the product is built.

Frank Geßner: This is a by the financial market authority Liechtenstein approved financial product that allows any Investor to be in Blockchain Assets invested. We manage a diversified Portfolio – hence the term “diversified bond” – because we don’t want to have the project risk of a single crypto-currency. To this end, we have built a Tool that is different from the us-held Assets automatically. The goal is so, with the Software above-average Performance – irrespective of whether for private investors or institutional clients.

BTC-ECHO: Why but it is a Bond and not a Fund?

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Frank Geßner: Technically, the financial product by the financial market Supervisory authority as a Bond to be classified, and not as a Fund. Because in the case of a Fund, I am pursuing a very specific investment strategy I need to define in advance. About: “My investment strategy is one of the Top 10 Coins by market capitalisation, to reflect.” The market is in a very early Phase. I think it will be in the next few years massive changes. Therefore, we can define the still as clear, and have placed our product as a Bond.

investors will receive shares in this Bond (digital Bond “Shares”) in the Form of a Token. This Token represents a share of the net value of the Assets in which we invest. There is a maturity of more than ten years, but the Token is at any time on the secondary market for sale.

BTC-ECHO: Bitcoin, the dominant is the end of crypto-currency in the market and gives direction. Why are you still on a high level of diversification?

Frank Geßner: So currently, Bitcoin has note [with about 57 percent. d. Red.] a strong dominance. So dominant Bitcoin is no longer but still. For a relatively long time, we were heavily invested in Bitcoin, since we have seen a fairly strong market growth – that we won’t see at the time but. Bitcoin is under a lot of Stress and other Coins are therefore currently better. In the long term I can’t say whether Bitcoin is one of the winners, it’s just too early. In addition, we believe that relatively large values in areas that are not to be created, which belong to the Segment of the pure crypto-currencies. Finally, in areas such as health care, Supply Chain Management and E-mobility very exciting projects, which will create a great added value. In these projects we want to participate, because we believe that the Performance can be far above that of Bitcoin.

The we decide, but always new; so far, we perform with our model, in fact, orders of magnitude better than Bitcoin.

BTC-ECHO: Well, you made the choice for the jurisdiction of Liechtenstein. Why the small Principality, and not, for example, the also crypto-friendly Switzerland?

Frank Geßner: We wanted to give investors the opportunity to invest in a financial product that is fully regulated. In Switzerland, the us was too uncertain, because there are only in the Canton of Zug with a reliable crypto-regulation. Liechtenstein has, due to a historical event, the possibility of tokenized Securities allow. Therefore, we have registered us as an Issuer, there. The German laws, however, allow for an Emission of this type of Financial Securities, so far only with large restrictions.

BTC-ECHO: What is the data about your Trading algorithm or Software running?

Frank Geßner: Mathematically are the simple strategies. Machine Learning is used. We currently receive our course Updates 96 crypto stock exchanges, with which we are connected. Every Minute we get 150 gigabytes of on order book data. The price differences between the exchanges are of interest to us, to the classic Arbitrage-handle trading. Large price movements of individual Coins of interest to us, since it takes sometimes minutes until the other Exchanges follow suit.

BTC-ECHO: Now we have but in the crypto-market is a big Problem with Wash Trading or Fake trading volumes. How do you deal with that in your analysis?

Frank Geßner: Currently, we do not see that the prognostic Trading [due to past courses to future courses betting] still works. This is mainly due to the fact that we still have enough data available, because the great mass of the Trades will be processed by OTC [an off-exchange trading]. Accordingly, we do not trust the data in the context of the prognostic Trading, since they often contain Fake order books, or Wash Trading.

BTC-ECHO: each time a crypto-Investment is the question of safe storage for that. What is your solution?

Frank Geßner: retail investors who manage their own Private Keys, always have a risk. For us, it invested in an approved financial product. The digital Bond Shares we Deposit with a Custodian [the Depositary], to ensure that the tokens are kept safe.

BTC-ECHO: And who is the Custodian?

Frank Geßner: Our Custodian is the Finoa in Berlin. In the future, any Investor can use its own Custodian. This is also important as this in the event of death, the Transfer of rights rules. The solutions are all there for the private investors, the safekeeping, but it’s still a great challenge.

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