a Total of 100 Japanese manufacturer of industrial goods in the future want to share production data on a common Blockchain System. In order to be currently sluggish industry more efficient. The project aims to engage especially smaller companies, to remain competitive. Due to international competition and declines in the export business, the Japanese industry faces increasing pressure.

By David Barkhausen
17. June 2019BTC$9.268,00 0.83%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Hardly anything in the global industry seems to be so sacred, as our own production. For smaller companies, the data are of the own production is the guarantee of their own Survival. To beware of these business secrets, is considered the most important virtue.

Japan’s sluggish economy, however, has a different path chosen. In order to remain in the future the market to produce efficiently, relies on cooperation and exchange.

According to insider reports, available to the Asian Nikkei Review, want to in the future to exchange a total of 100 Japanese industry manufacturers, including market leader, Mitsubishi and Yaskawa, production data via the Blockchain with each other.

Distributed Ledger technology to store the information on the one hand, sure. On the other hand, it wants to allow the Blockchain Involved in the project, to decide for themselves which and how many of your production data will be passed on to competing companies.

data exchange in a decentralized way: IOTA power’s before

as early as next spring will be launched for the cooperation. Monitoring and control should lie in the hands of the Industrial Value Chain Initiative [in English: industrial value chain initiative]. The merger of industry representatives was founded in 2015 and is pursuing the goal of the Internet of things (IoT) in the Japanese industry. Until the official launch, the organizations expect further growth. Talking about the Bielefeld-based tool manufacturer DMG Mori are in addition to other global competitors.

As stated in the report, it is in the Blockchain-project in the first place, however, is to engage small and medium-sized manufacturers that are groaning under the competition in the market, at the most, under the arms. Shared information on product design, quality assurance, as well as the Status of the operating systems to help you stay competitive on the market. In the future, so, for example, a tool manufacturer might batches production to the wear and tear of your large customers.

That such an exchange of industry can manage data on a distributed network, the Data speaks to the market square to the IOTA Foundation. Hedged using the decentralised technologies of the competitive offer on this currently, 70 companies have production data available for purchase. Among the participating firms, including Bosch, Deutsche Telekom, or even the Japanese technology giant, Fujitsu.

Japan’s economy shrinks, especially electric the manufacturer not to suffer

That the Japanese industry is now daring to make a joint cooperation project, come about by chance. Although, it is mainly the Engineering of the Japanese corporations for the areas. Japanese special machines such as industrial robots, or health technology still occupy top ranks in the race of global competition. However, once the mainstay of the Japanese economy staggers.

Today, for instance, the electronics industry is lame, especially on the East Asian twin island. After a meteoric rise in the seventies and eighties, the competition from China, Taiwan and, not least, South Korea and the United States has increased steadily. In February of this year, Japan’s industrial sector had shrunk in the result for more than two and a half years for the first time. According to experts, should be this in addition to the international competition mainly due to the slump in exports to China debt. Because Beijing’s economy is at present in the fire of the ongoing trade dispute with the U.S. and imported less from its Eastern neighbor. Japan’s industrial hopes, meanwhile, to a free-trade agreement with the United States. This could help exports across the Pacific to re-start.

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