The single – and large-scale retail giant Carrefour has so far made good experiences with the Blockchain technology. In a press release, the French group draws a positive balance sheet and declared, to use the Blockchain in the future.

By Christopher clover
4. June 2019BTC$7.983,00 -4.70%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The French retailers and wholesalers Carrefour SA first successes in the use of the Blockchain technology announced. The retail giant monitors for a Long time already the production and delivery channels of selected products via the Blockchain. Customers can retrieve the information in the supermarket. The pilot project has worn to a press release, the company says, the first fruits.

a Positive review of the Blockchain-a pilot project in

and Then the range of the block chain includes registered food 20 products. The beginning of Carrefour made with organic poultry meat. The career of the farm to the refrigerated section to understand Carrefour customers since last year. Behind the choice of the perishable meat as a pioneer-Use-Case the following calculation:

It is creating a Halo effect – If I can trust Carrefour with this chicken, I can also says Carrefour in your Apples or your cheese of trust,

Emmanuel Delerm, responsible for Blockchain projects for Carrefour told the Reuters news Agency.

The company would like to expand in the current year, the range of transparent products to 100. The food Tracking has had a positive impact on the sales numbers.

The Pomelo sold due to the Blockchain faster than in the previous year [and] we had more a positive impact on the chicken compared to the Non-Blockchain-chicken,

so Delerm.

The Initiative was able to capture, therefore, particularly in China, Italy and France successes.

The competition is not sleeping

Carrefour with its Blockchain ambitions in the industry is by no means alone. So about the mega Corporation Walmart is still the top grossing companies in the world – already brought in front of Carrefour food on the Blockchain. Nestlé is interested in block chain based improvements to food safety.

What are the plans of these groups United, however, is that they put on the IT giant IBM as a technology Partner. Specifically, the projects using the Software-as-a-Service solution IBM Food Trust.

So the corporations want to take into account the growing interest of their customers as to the origin of foodstuffs. Especially the Generation of Millennials attach great importance, says Delerm:

Millennials are buying fewer, but better products for your health, for the planet.

in the medium term, Carrefour would like to integrate also non-consumable, or hard-to-digest products such as clothing of the Blockchain solution. More information about the profit margin for the producer and for the customer made available.

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