the car manufacturers Honda and General Motors to complement their well-proven partnership in the area of Blockchain development. In the future, the two corporations intend to work together to Smart Grids – block chain, electricity networks based to connect with the batteries of E – cars. So you want to compensate for performance fluctuations in the power grid. As a platform for the joint partnership, the automotive consortium MOBI is used.

By David Barkhausen
21. May 2019BTC$7.985,00 0.45%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

E-mobility is regarded as a pioneering Trend in the car industry and as a crucial piece of the Puzzle of the energy transition. Nevertheless, the battery-operated transport are set to be major hurdles. So observers complain about, that there is a lack in the necessary infrastructure to Charge the car batteries. At the same time, the fluctuations could provide the end-performance of renewable energy from Wind and water only a shaky Foundation for the transition to E-cars.

As the Japanese newspaper Nikkei Asian Review on Monday, the 20. May reported want is to remove the two automotive giants, Honda and General Motors (GM), these stumbling blocks now by using the Distributed Ledger technology out of the way. Together, they plan, so-called Smart Grids, i.e. intelligent, block chain-based power grids, to associate with charging stations and E-cars. The corporations want to test whether their batteries can help stabilize power grids.

Blockchain-technologies to make it easier for these in the future, on the one hand, information between the power grids and E-cars to share. On the other hand, you should ensure that E-cars as mobile electricity storage. On this, the network could then access and power fluctuations. Owners, in turn, could be compensated for them in the future.

MOBI-consortium has additional partners

As a platform for the joint partnership, the automotive consortium Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative, short MOBI is used. More than 150 automotive-, IT – and other companies are conducting research here since the past year under a common flag among them BMW, Bosch or Ford. Together, they cross-Blockchain to create Standards and technology in the mobility sector will not achieve a breakthrough.

Honda was joined MOBI the first Japanese producer in April. The Blockchain-the cooperation with GM will now start, however, already in this month. Until then, could join in the push for more partners from the ranks of the consortium.

With its Blockchain-a partnership of GM and Honda these days to enter, however, is not totally uncharted territory. Since the 1990s, the two companies are trying to build a TRANS-Pacific counterweight to the market leaders Toyota, Volkswagen and Daimler. Last year, for example, Honda had the GM Department for Autonomous Driving, with a record sum of 2.75 billion US dollars, supports. Here, too, the car will want to bring the giant Blockchain-technologies.

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