the is The capital of South Korea has implemented the first points of their Blockchain-city plan (2018-2022). Seoul is coming closer to the goal of a Smart City, a piece of. Seoul mayor Park Won-soon held on October 20. May a speech in the Korea Future Forum (KFF).

Max Halder
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South Korea is a Nation of technology. Many of the world’s leading gamers come from South Korea, one of the largest manufacturer of Smartphones, Samsung with the company’s headquarters in South Korea, and also in terms of the Blockchain, the small island nation is one of the pioneers is. This may also be due to the mayor of the capital Seoul. After Park Won-soon has presented in October 2018 in Zurich its “Blockchain-map for 2018 to 2022”, he doesn’t seem to be torches in the implementation for a long time. At the conference “the Korea Future Forum in 2019 & the Blockchain-technology Show,” said Won-soon on Monday, the 20. May, of the previous reactions and the next steps on the path to a Smart City.

don’t just talk – Do!

Park Won-soon stops the use of the Blockchain technology in many areas. In just seven months, the Plan for Seoul, have passed since the promulgation of the 5-year a lot has happened:

We have already built a System that binds the Manipulation of digital elections, we have equipped our digital voting system using the Blockchain technology. [In addition,] we have developed a System for representing in a transparent way the condition of a car, the purchase contract and the characteristics of the cars. On the used car market of Pyeongchang as] 10,000 cars per year to be implemented [.

Indeed, Pyeongchang is a province East of the capital, but the pilot project from there smoothly to the capital transfer. Thus, two points of the Plan are already implemented.

“The value of data is as important as never before.”

in order for Seoul comes to his goal of the Smart City closer to wants to Won-soon provide the city up to the year 2022 with 50,000 Sensors. So he wants to convert the peculiarities of the city and the behavior of citizens in data. Through a clever combination of this public data and private data of citizens on the other hand, to Seoul to lead the development of the data industry. How serious Won-says soon it will offer another Time to his concise formulation of his plans:

[We want to] new services at the world’s leading ICT infrastructure [ICT = information and communication technology] to build and innovative technologies such as Artificial intelligence and Blockchain use. Seoul will gather [this] urban and administrative data and thus services are not enable that were previously possible.

next string: ID on Blockchain-based

Around the office, making bureaucratic procedures more efficiently in the future has been Won-soon, the goal of digital identity cards:

We will implement in the personal ID of the residents of Seoul, a Blockchain-based authentication system, and [so] the access to various administrative services to facilitate […]. We will do our Best to improve the user-friendliness, by [these services] associate with ZeroPay.

ZeroPay is a payment concept via a Smartphone, with the retailer no longer has the fees incurred through credit card payments, you need to pay. The System was developed by the city government of Seoul and is supposed to be in March of 2019 in use. Park Won-soon closes his speech with the famous phrase of Malcolm X:

The future belongs to those who prepare today.

he only advised to choose the path of peace, on which his classmate, Martin Luther King has moved.

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