the American online retailer Amazon has received a Patent, the speculations that the Opening of the group for crypto-currencies as a concept. This is a Proof-of-Work-algorithm that is based on the creation of Merkle Trees. In addition, the Patent also referenced an application of the Blockchain-business block stream.

By Christopher clover
17. May 2019 BTC$7.173,00 -9.99% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The e-Commerce giant Amazon received this week the approval for a 2016 submitted the patent application and thus provided for Attention in the crypto-Space. The Online Retailer describes a System that uses the creation of so-called Merkle Tree (also called Hash tree) as the basis of a Proof of Work (PoW). The Abstract of the patent:

A Proof-of-Work System in which a first party (e.g., a Client computer system) can request access to a computer resource is. A second party (e.g. a service provider) can set a challenge that can be made to satisfy the request. The challenge may include a message and a Seed so that the Seed can be at least partially used to cryptographically derive a table of information that can be used to generate a solution for the challenge. The Hash tree can be generated from the Generate of the solution.

the Amazon Blockchain?

The document gives little specific reason to speak of a crypto-currency adaptation on the part of Amazon. Proof-of-Work or in Bitcoin used SHA256 algorithm are older currencies as Crypto; however, a Patent of the Blockchain-business block-stream, in which it dedicated to Blockchain technology and crypto-currencies can be found under the references goes. The also submitted in 2016, request the “Transfer of Ledger Assets between Blockchains via a fixed Sidechains”. As the inventor of the block leads to a stream request of the prominent crypto-graphs Adam Back. Adam Back is considered to be the inventor of the PoW algorithm Hashcash. He is one of the few references to which the Bitcoin White Paper refers to.

It is now hard to tell what Amazon has in store for the PoW-Patent really. The reference of the block-stream-patent corroborates speculation that Amazon is moving in the direction of the Blockchain, or at least Enterprise DLT. Furthermore, it is in the Amazon Patent:

The environment in one embodiment [of the patent] is a distributed and/or virtual computing environment, multiple computer systems and components used, the connections on one or more computer networks, or the direction of the connections are connected to communicate with each other.

crypto could interpret enthusiasts this as an example of a Distributed Ledger technology; however, the statement is worded so vaguely, that it holds some of the (legal) back doors open. No real reason, therefore, for exuberant enthusiasm, à la Anthony Pompliano:

Breaking: Amazon has filed for a Patent in the US for a Proof-of-Work System, the cryptographic uses.

There are no large companies in the world that will not participate in the Revolution.

The Virus spreads.