a decentralised structure makes Bitcoin an extremely resilient network. The appeal of this decentralization is that there is no Single Point of Failure, to do so, no Institution that is able to Bitcoin independently of them off.

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the crypto currency no. 1 is not immortal. Instructions on how you can destroy Bitcoin.

1. A better Cryptocurrency

invent let’s Be honest: The crypto-market anarcho-capitalism in its purest form. The lax regulatory limit allows in principle everyone to throw Coins on the market and to enter the crypto-currency No. 1 in the competition. This is, in principle, to be welcomed. Finally, one says, that competition stimulates business.

So, however, it is also conceivable that at some point a crypto-currency comes on the market, the Bitcoin from their thrones.

The Iron Throne worthy of the king of Bitcoin.

But who wants to offer Bitcoin seriously, the forehead, the must hurry. The BTC-dominance (i.e., the proportion of the BTC to the total market capitalisation accounts for) is an hour and 57 per cent. The projection is likely to be difficult to catch up.

evaluation: unlikely.

2. Bitcoin ban

governments tend to protect their monopoly on the creation of money with all possible means. Understandable, finally, a whole series of advantages. For example, the creation of Fiat money from Nothing a lucrative business model for Central banks. By the levy of the so-called monetary Seigniorage, so the real profit from the money creation monopoly, the Central Bank profits.

The competition by BTC & co. could see Central banks as of a certain point as a threat. That States a prohibition of Bitcoin in recital.

evaluation: Whether that’s enough to send BTC in the eternal hunting grounds, is questionable. The marmot of the recurring China FUD is tangent to the Bitcoin Price these days. Although Bitcoin-bans, for citizens of the respective States are unpleasant. As long as it is about individual cases, these represent a global perspective, however, there is no significant threat scenario. Only the coordination of a variety of States could back the BTC to the body.

3. 51-percent attacks

On the technical side, apply 51% attacks as the threat scenario no. 1. Attackers, in theory, could take 51 percent of the Bitcoin Hash Power under the nail and with the Blockchain shenanigans. For example, you could spend the same Bitcoin multiple times, one speaks of Double-Spending. The damage that would cause such an attack on the network is immense. Finally, the network promises to protection against illegitimate transactions, which would violate the rules of the network.

Why the Bitcoin-the immune system 51-percent attacks, however, would immediately recognize as such, no one can explain it better than Andreas Antonopoulos.

Andreas Antonopoulos – 51% Bitcoin Attack

watch This Video on YouTube.

evaluation: A 51-percent-attack profitably, is unlikely.

4. Better Central Bank to spend money

bitcoin value is its scarcity, is the promise. No single actor is capable of, the amount of money in circulation to call to water down the value and Profit from the. Due to its implicit scarcity, Bitcoin is probably the best store of Value in the history of mankind.

BTC is That difficult to forbid, is known. A more realistic attack scenario is the serious competition by a good Central Bank money.

A return to the gold standard is about Saifedean Ammous considers to be a serious risk:

by The way, the governments would need to destroy Bitcoin, is to make the economic incentive for the use of BTC is irrelevant – eliminate it so the demand in the core.

governments should, therefore, offer a technology that competes with Bitcoin.

evaluation: The current Trend is rather going in the opposite direction. Instead of bringing tighter monetary policy game discussed by the IMF is a negative rate of return of cash.

5. A nuclear war

While working Bitcoin without Internet. If the global communication is through a complete destruction of the Internet, however, is impossible, is also suffering from BTC including. A global synchronization of the Blockchain can be hardly ensured.

evaluation: In the event of a nuclear Apocalypse is a lot to be desired. Since Bitcoin seems beside the point.

but One thing is clear: Bitcoin is not dead yet.

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