the Decentralized digital identities are an essential part of the digital single market. This is the conclusion of the recent report of the Blockchain-research centre of the European Union. Therefore, whether it is on the part of the legislature, both with the gift, as well as their legal framework. Blockchain-technologies, in turn, could be an important technical backbone for the deployment of such self-managed Online digital IDs.

By David Barkhausen
3. May 2019BTC$5.835,00 5.39% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

today’s digital economy is not without Online-thinking identities. In addition to trading platforms, Social Media networks and E-Mail operators with almost every service provider must maintain a System of Accounts with the personal information of its customers. Long-term observers, however, stumbling blocks. Because often such information is not only limited to a single provider. They are also prone to Hacks and attacks, and overall inefficient. As a pioneering way to combine Accounts, and by individual operators independently to decentralize. Such digital identities could then be managed by citizens themselves, and how a digital ID card to be used.


help the recent report of The Blockchain-a think-tank of the European Union, the EU Blockchain Observatory Forum, calls this week from members of the EU, the public support of such decentralized digital identities. So the Vision of a common EU-wide digital single market with no remote identification options was not possible.

As we see, the digital identity is an important prerequisite for the digital single market and should therefore be a priority of policy makers […]. The EU can support the use of such a [distributed] login information by government agencies promotes, with a view to decentralized identities and their role as a publisher. The potential benefits for citizens and enterprises is enormous, both as regards the Saving of costs as well as the acceleration of processes.

Blockchain-technologies would provide an important technical backbone, as well as a wide range of potential application fields.

the Blockchain technology is for the publication of decentralised identities, although not necessary, for this purpose, however, high-performance solutions.

So, the Distributed Ledger technology could manage, among other things, such as personal data, login information, authenticate and, in principle, a decentralized infrastructure, using Smart Contracts data users access and approval.

Wide field of application is conceivable, but legal clarity is needed

As a possible application ways of this is the report called, for example, a network digital professional and educational certificates. In addition, the technology could come in the exchange of data in health care or in the distribution of state grant money and subsidies.

The purchase of electronic cars, for example, could take citizens ‘ funds by using decentralised and mediated identities to sellers. According to the report, would offer for this purpose, first of all test runs in small towns and municipalities.

in order of use in the General Public, need it, however, in the first line of legal clarity. Here is the thought warns factory, it is necessary to bring the technology in line with the General data protection regulation (DSGVO) and the eIDAS regulations. While the former have controls the hand of personal data, writes eIDAS to the member States a legal framework for digital signatures, such as signatures, stamps, and certificates. Here, too, observers suspect pioneering applications of Blockchain technologies.

the results of the research now speedy and immediate implementation of know is considered to be unlikely. Nevertheless, the claims, and to Point out to no significant role. Since last April the EU-wide development of a European Blockchain infrastructure (EBSI) runs between the member States. This is intended to support the provision of cross-border digital services and Blockchain applications. Here, the recent recommendations of the EU-think-tank might find its way.

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