the In the Chinese city of Guangzhou allows the municipal administration in cooperation with the Messenger service WeChat will soon start a business on the Blockchain. Guangzhou is next to Beijing and Shanghai as the most advanced Chinese large city in the area of state adaptation of distributed systems. Meanwhile, the first Blockchain-notary in Beijing his work.

Polina Khubbeeva
23. April 2019BTC$5.567,00 , 4.51%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The Chinese news Agency Suhu reports on the 22. April, that Operating start-UPS in Guangzhou and running soon on an AI and block chain – based System. The new license procedure in the district of Huangpu is the first approval process in China, which works on the basis of the Blockchain and KI. The office of Administration Huangpu handles it accordingly, WeChat technical support.

By the push of a button to the founding of the company

China is touting the user-friendliness of the new process. So nothing to be used for the creation of a company more than the Scan of a code and a push of a button is necessary. Both payment processing as well as the opening of a company Bank account are also integrated. A Mini-App, WeChat, provides also, on request, a request to the tax office.

Increased Blockchain-adaptation in China…

China’s flagship Smart City Shenzhen first introduced in mid-March, a ticket system for public transport, which is based on a Blockchain. Here, too, WeChat delivered with an App the technical infrastructure.

Also in Beijing is lower than the Blockchain-adaptation with large steps ahead: How the platform People, on 19. April reported, operates in the Chinese capital since last week, the first Blockchain-a notary. The notary office of CITIC uses the Blockchain technology to the legal certification of documents. This is a cost-effective, fake, time-saving and efficient method for the verification of information.

China does not use distributed systems are very active for their own innovations, but also increasingly legally protect. As the most populous country in the world leads most of the Blockchain-patents worldwide.

… while criminalization of decentralized financial structures

So progress is the largest economy in the world in the field of state crypto-adaptation of shows, so restrictive the party dictatorship goes against decentralized financial systems in the Interior. Despite vigorous regulatory action against the trading and the Mining of crypto-currencies, the Chinese crypto-scene is active on crypto-exchanges.

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