the BTC-ECHO was a guest at Tachyon, an Accelerator program from the house of ConsenSys. The host, also of the FDP in the Bundestag Deputy Alexander Kulitz was next to Tachyon. Start-up Pitches and the difficulties of the policy to keep pace.

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As you know, is dedicated to the New York-based Tech company ConsenSys quite the task to make Ethereum a breakthrough. In October 2014, Ethereum developer Joseph Lubin based business is probably one of the most important organizations in the crypto-Ecosystem in General.

So it is not surprising that ConsenSys has launched an Accelerator program to help to young Start-ups to promote. Provided that they have chosen in advance of Ethereum as the base Blockchain. Such an Accelerator program took place on may 1. April, for the first time in the Federal capital, with founders from all over the world and under the auspices of the MdB, Alexander Kulitz. We were on the ground.

Kulitz: policy needs to keep pace

As legislators, parliamentarians have, of course, respect for the rule of law to the goal. But what if decentralized systems like Ethereum & co. the policy is a fait accompli? Already today, the average citizen on a daily basis with up to eight laws was not consistent and it was just a red light violation as a pedestrian. This number is expected to increase in the medium-term future, however. Because companies create decentralized structures of facts, which the current regulations, it is difficult to meet, and could thus be violated unconsciously, against the law. The legislator tries to keep in step with new investment vehicles, such as ICOs, must have understood this, but once “the Blockchain”, so Kulitz. And since it hooks.

for this reason, such meetings from the world of politics and the economy are important. Because The Blockchain is looking the other way is futile: technology is here to stay, and without proper regulatory framework, there is a danger of the migration of innovation potential abroad.

the legislature should re-regulate, but in any case:

The best support a government can give innovative entrepreneurs and Start-ups, the avoidance of unnecessary regulations. […] It is not the responsibility of politicians to decide, whether a product or a business idea will be successful or not. The decision must be made by the people in free economic markets. Politicians are there to ensure equal conditions of competition on free and fair markets.

MdB Alexander Kulitz, FDP,

As a possible purpose of the Blockchain Kulitz called, however, the customs. Finally, the Inspection of cargo ships from Overseas will take to the major ports of the continent, sometimes weeks. Using the Blockchain, the FDP member of the Bundestag, could customs authorities to shorten this process considerably.

Gnosis: Gibraltar against the will

What is the role of regulatory frameworks in the election of the company’s headquarters, tried Stefan George, his character, CTO when Prediction-Markets-company Gnosis, to demonstrate on the basis of the company’s history. After Gibraltar was left out only because the southern European country was, at the time, the only European location where you can perform a ICO legal.

So many companies out of the haze circle of ConsenSys employees, while development teams in the German Blockchain-the capital city of Berlin. The business seats were, but, as a rule, abroad.

you should not, however, satisfied. And to give to the ever-growing Blockchain industry is in this country a voice, was founded in 2017 the Blockchain Association. A group of over 60 companies with Blockchain-focus from Germany.

Start-up Pitches, will give hope to decentralized future

a Total of eleven Blockchain-companies from all over the world welcomed the Tachyon in the historic Matthias-Erzberger-house. It was Pitches to all kinds of Blockchain-application cases, lead to heart. So Blok-Z wants to call you a Peer-to-Peer energy system in Turkey, in which both suppliers and demanders can save costs. In addition, the agriculture was the insurer Ibisa of the game. Finally, the insurance industry is as much of the Blockchain promise you-Use-Case.

Tachyon awards Seed investment in the amount of up to two million dollars. For most Start-ups should have the application in the Accelerator, therefore, worth it.

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