the plastic card manufacturers, Visa wants to expand its competence in the area of the Blockchain and crypto-currencies. A set indicates that the display has switched to the group for his office in Palo Alto, California.

By Christopher clover
20. March 2019BTC$4.015,28 0.58%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Visa is looking for reinforcement for the in-house cryptography Team. So a vacancy for a Technical product Manager with FinTech Expertise is available on the Website of the company currently being advertised. In particular, the candidate should have a keen interest in the interface between crypto-currencies and payment services. As it says in the display:

Are you with the permissionless Blockchain technology are well-acquainted and have a close network of experts in the fast-moving crypto currency and FinTech Ecosystem? Are you excited by the challenge to develop new products for Visa to provide FinTechs who want to support crypto-currencies, value?

Who are these questions with an enthusiastic Yes! answer, and appropriate work experience can demonstrate they have a chance at the Position in Palo Alto, California. The new product Manager is to support the crypto Team of Visa, which is part of the FinTech Department of the group.

First steps already in 2016

Visa is yet to be kicked, especially by a significant crypto-skepticism in appearance. No wonder: Finally, credit card companies are one of those men, which have declared many crypto projects like Bitcoin, the fight. Nevertheless, does not want to withdraw Visa the technological progress. Already in 2016, was devoted to Visa Europe with the canadian battalion Group, the potential of the Blockchain technology for intra-Bank Transfers. It is the Launch of Blockchain-pilot project, B2B Connect, followed in November 2017. B2B Connect is a blockchain-based platform, which will offer financial institutions the ability to cross-border B2B payments of the companies. A similar project launched in the competition of MasterCard already in October 2017.

The previous forays Visas in the area of the Blockchain have nothing to do with a “permissionless”, i.e. a publicly accessible and viewable Blockchain. Classic examples of such an open Blockchain, and provide about Bitcoin and Ethereum. Even if the vacancy is explicitly knowledge about permissionless block chains of the speech, one must assume that visas will continue in the path of a Enterprise Blockchain.

Who is the way to Palo Alto, however, is too far to make its Blockchain Expertise to prove the a look at the job section of BTC-ECHO close.

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