the The mood on the crypto-market is always clouded. Often one reads from the bear market of the crypto-currencies. Investors, in particular, the points with the traditional financial sector, such as equity indices such as the DAX, had, as yet, only a few are disappointed from the Performance of Bitcoin & co. Why is this not a distorted perception, and why you can achieve with Stock-Picking an outstanding Performance on the crypto-market.

By Sven-servant to the
car At 15. March 2019 BTC$3.917,07 1.29% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The question, in what phase of the market currencies are Crypto, depends on the investment horizon, the you. Two years ago, the entire crypto market capitalization was just US $ 25 billion. A long-term perspective, we are currently around 135 billion US-dollars so much further. Also in the short term, it looks not bad. To lie from the low point in December, 2018 (US $ 100 billion market capitalization) today, we are over 35 percent in the Plus. The DAX or the Dow Jones would lie down for such a Performance in a few months, you would read about in any stock market magazine the word rally.

As we recognize this, the public perception of a different dimension for the assessment of the market for crypto-currencies as, for example, for share. This is also quite understandable, is the risk or the volatility in the crypto sector, but higher than in the major stock indices. The expectations of a rally and what a rally, are far more ambitious. In particular, if the all-time high at a multiple of today’s price levels, and only a year and a half ago.

Top Performance is hardly noticed – Ether, Litecoin and Binance show how to do it

This time is still very present anchor point leads quickly to the fact that many crypto investors expect unrealistic gains – keywords: biased. The portion of the outstanding Performance of many crypto-currencies in the first quarter of 2019, is performed.

if you Pick only the development of the three-Top-10-crypto-out currencies, Ether, Litecoin and Binance Token, it becomes clear how top currencies moderately have some Crypto in the last few months performing. So Ether from its Low at around 85 US dollars increased at the end of last year on about 135 US dollars (just under 60 per cent Plus). It looks even better in the case of Litecoin, which is over 100 percent from all-time low at the end of last year (from US $ 23 to 56 US dollars). Best of all in the Top 10 of the Binance Coin has beaten: From the low point in December of last year, at about 4.50 US dollars, and it currently around 15 US dollars – an increase of over 300 percent.

Stock Picking is always more attractive

The: Clever investors can currently not retract very well-high profits in the crypto-market. Accordingly, it is not surprising that the daily volume of trade is growing already for several weeks. Just like in the stock sector and Stock-Picking – Choosing individual promising title is instead of focusing on an entire Index in various growing crypto market is now slowly attractive.

The crypto market could develop in the last months, which is significantly more, so that more and more separates the chaff from the wheat. To date, it was often relatively the same, on which crypto-currency you had set. With a few exceptions, and dropped the prices of all crypto step currencies increased in the same. The exact changes but just as to the different Performance of the individual crypto-projects.

convergence and approximation to normal levels: The crypto market is growing up

Corresponding to the Stock-Picking, the expectations to match. The sustainability of growth, is other than the Hype, in the shortest amount of time, a lot of hot air flowed into the System. The price gains of today are on a much more stable Foundation. The current crypto projects have to significantly more to learn anywhere near as strong price gains during the ICO-bubble. There is a healthy alignment with traditional Assets and their performance.

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